Can't go there


New member
Several weeks ago the only "good" local gun store closed its doors to the public and now sells to LE only. (Remember that I am in Massachusetts - the state that GOAL calls 'worst state gun laws' in the land - and used guns are limited to those that were registered in-state as of 1998, or new guns that are on the short 'State Approved' list).

I read about a new gun store in town and was anxious to see if they had a few items on my "want list". I found the location, a busy side street half a block off of Main Street, and found a parking space a short walk from the store front. As I was about to open the door, I read the sign on the door with lettering an inch high reading "NO LOADED GUNS ALLOWED INSIDE", or wording very similar to that.

So now I am standing on the sidewalk wondering what the heck to do about this? There is way to much foot traffic around me to even consider trying to unload, and I thought about going back to my car and unloading, but pedestrian traffic would present the same problem. (Again, this is Massachusetts, and I do not want to be another "Joseph Landers ".

Then I thought "why should I treat this store any different than I would any other?", do they think I am going to drive 20 miles back home, take off my gun, and drive 20 miles back again to be able to shop in their store? I don't have to do that at my bank, or any other gun store that I have been to in Massachusetts. If they don't want my gun in their store, and/or cannot provide for unloading compliance after entry, then to heck with them!

Is this normal in other parts of the country? Am I being penny-wise and pound-foolish? (the next nearest LGS is about fifty miles away). Your thoughts and opinions always welcome.
It is aggravating but very common for ranges to post against loaded firearms. I hate to say though but it also makes some sense. They do not know every person coming in and I am certain they have no doubts that the sign will have no effect on a criminal. The problem is that at gun shops/ranges/shows guns have a habit of going in and out of their holsters and getting handled. Very few guns will go off in a holster but as soon as they get handled, passed around, etc, things start to go wrong. As a result of this many places where they are handled post.

Personally I carry anyway, concealed. It is not illegal in most states and all they can ask you to do is leave if they find out. The rule of thumb though is I NEVER take it out of the holster unless I am at the firing line or the loadin/unloading area. I went into a shop to ask about a new grip for my model 60 S&W. They had it so I went out to the car to "get my gun." Once there I unloaded and came back in. The thing is that at no point did the weapon appear, loaded, in the shop. Since then the owner has gotten to know me and told me not to worry.

Yes the signs are frustrating but they are there at gun shops and such because of morons who could not follow basic safety rules. It is a policy that has been written in blood. I would not take it personal but if you follow my method you will comply with the true wishes of the owner, not to have a negligent discharge in his shop, while at the same time staying armed.
If this were in Texas, (I know, it's not) the sign would not include holders of a CHL. The wording has to be exactly a certain way for it to include us. This sign would be for the other idjits that come in to trade a firearm and bring it loaded. I'd call these folks on the phone and find out if that is their intent.
"Why do people live in such places?"

TShadow6, I had an interesting, but pathetic conversation last Fall with a guy who looked to be in his late fifties. He had just moved to Texas from Massachusetts and he came into the gun store and was looking at handguns. Then he asked the proprietor what he had to do to buy one. When he heard that all he had to do was show his Texas driver's license, pass the instant check, and hand over a credit card, he didn't believe the proprietor and I were telling him the truth. He was sure he had to get a license of some sort to buy one, not just to carry one concealed. He said he had to go talk to someone else about what we were telling him. He actually seemed to be terrified of what we were telling him. He left so he would not get in trouble, it appeared.

He was so cowed and intimidated by the People's Republic he had lived in all his life, he simply could not accept the fact that he was now free. It was very sad.

God Bless the NRA and the Texas State Rifle Association!
Gander Mt is the only place I've seen that says the 'no loaded guns in store' policy does not pertain to ccw holders. Every gun store and range I've been to in Indiana has the same policy.

However, most of them also have the 'concealed is concealed' policy, so if I don't go in flashing nothing is ever said.
I love TN.

Here, a gun store that has a no loaded weapons policy is the exception. This holds true even in urban areas.

I know of only one store that has such a policy, and how they stay in business is beyond me. (Hardly ever see anyone in there.) Other gun shops I frequent (all owned by just some guy, no chain shops here, again even in a city) tend to have multiple customers in at any given time. They still give mostly good service. (One is run by a true good ole boy. Every sidearm I have came from him.)
I'm stuck in MA too, for the time being.

If you're in NW MA then Four Seasons would be a hike and a half for you, but I still recommend it. Not so much for ammo (dicks sporting and wally have better prices (at least on my ammo)).

I'd just not take it out of the holster. If you're concealed, then nobody should be the wiser, be it in a gun shop or at work or at the mall.

Hell, you're luck to be able to carry. I live in Quincy and the Chief here really doesn't hand out ALP Class-A. I'm restricted to sporting and target.
The Gun Room on Rt. 9 in Worcester/Shrewsbury is a pretty good place. I don't think it's posted no CC, so you'd probably like it...