Cannon Safe Identification


New member
Last week I put a post up asking for help with changing out the interior of the safe but this past weekend I was actually able to lay eyes on the thing and although the pictures make this thing look really bad, it's not as bad as it looks, lock change, and a new piece of sheet rock for the door and a new center support and we should be good to go.

Question is, can anybody who might have one of these or some old brochures help identify it? The serial number/model number tag is long ago warn out and is no longer visible.

The only thing I can help with is the tag says it was built/sold 2nd quarter of 2008 and it's roughly 30" wide and 19" deep. I failed to get the height but I'm 5"10" and it was shorter then me.

Again thank you for the help.

Pictures are here...haven't figure out yet how to link them or insert them in a post (sorry)

PS Cannon is actually sending out a replacement keypad and hopefully a new lock :)
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Nope, no PM's

I called Cannon back about 3 days ago. Believe it or not, they couldn't really help me either. The guy on the phone THOUGHT it was a HR series.

I was hoping somebody here would have one, or some flyers in their pile of 'stuff' but so far that has not been the case.
Believe it or not, they [the manufacturers] couldn't really help me either.

Frustrating but not exactly a new phenomenon.

I'm getting on in age and have to rein myself in when I start thinking incompetence is related to the newest generation, whatever they want to call themselves.

I remember back in the mid 1970's a place where I worked bought an expensive piece of machinery and it came with an "English as she be spoke" setup manual. Several folk took turns trying to figure out the instructions, they even let a temp like me try to decipher it and no one understood it enough to take the chance of setting it up incorrectly and maybe breaking the thing.

The boss finally called up the manufacturer on speaker phone, and with evident displeasure in his voice, 'demanded' to speak to "somebody that knows what's going on" at their plant.

Totally dead pan the voice on the other end of the phone told us: "I'm afraid he's not in today."