Canine Control, Inc. (A must read!)


New member
I thought you all would enjoy this, and maybe even send it to your Congressmen. ;)


Date: Sunday, March 28, 1999 12:25 PM

Tina Terry's Fabulous Letter to the Editor

To the Editor
Arizona Republic
P.O. Box 2244
Phoenix, Arizona 85002

January 7th, 1998

Dear Editor,

I am gratified to read in this morning's paper that someone has finally called attention to an urgent situation which I have known about for a long time: annually 334,000 victims of savage dog bites, most frequently children, average age 15, are taken to the nation's emergency rooms. As the article states: "That's more ER visits than injuries from skateboards, baby walkers and in-line skates combined." Total annual cost of ER dog bites: $102.4 million. Twenty or more people killed annually by dogs, almost all of them children.

Because these dogs are so readily obtainable on the streets of our nation, I implore all your readers to immediately deluge their Congressmen with letters, phone calls, faxes and telegrams to support the federal "Save the Widdle Childwen Fwom the Vicious Dog-Bite Act of 1998", which would require the following:

mandatory muzzles fitted with muzzle-locks to be kept at all times on all dogs,

licensing and paw-printing of all dogs,

fingerprinting and house-monitoring of dog owners, including mandatory, federally-monitored safe storage of dogs and

an immediate 1,000% tax on all dog food.

This Act is sponsored by Canine Control Incorporated, an organization dedicated to eliminating canine violence in America by the year 2000. The Act also provides for the immediate banning of all "assault dogs", the definition of which term will constantly change according to the emotions of the board of C.C.I. "Saturday Night Special" dogs, such as Chihuahuas and other cheap, easily concealed ankle-biters, will also be banned. In addition,the Act bans all sharp canine teeth, all canine teeth longer than a federally-mandated length, all spiked collars and sharp canine toenails. It also mandates that all dogs be transferred only through federally licensed dog dealers, and provides for the changing of the BATF to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Assault Dogs, or BATFAD.

I hope that the physicians' organizations who champion total hand-gun banning will rally behind this urgent cause to save our nation's children. Anyone who opposes this type of legislation obviously hates children. We need this Act desperately - after all, if it saves only one life, it is worth it. Not to mention the $102.4 million dollars in ER charges!

My husband's face was horribly mauled at the age of four by a Pit Bull; today he is the poster child for C.C.I. Now, when not being used as a drooling doorstop or for first base, he is routinely wheeled out at charity fund-raising events at which he repeatedly mumbles, "Bad dogs! Ban dogs!"

We urgently need your help to get these vicious dogs off the streets now!
Please help end canine violence in America! Send donations to: C.C.I., 1111 B.S. Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20004. Make the checks out to me.

Tina Terry

c) 1998 by Tina Terry. This letter may be reprinted in its entirety, as long as nothing in it is changed, credit is given the author, and the following is included. Author's note: The author's husband's face really was mauled at age 4 by a Pit Bull, an incident in which he almost lost an eye. He's not in a wheelchair,true, but he also doesn't blame dogs in general for his early experience and he loves and owns dogs to this day. He also has never tried to enlist the author to run around the country trying to ban all dogs.


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited March 30, 1999).]
Great post, J2!

Thank goodness our 170lb Rottweiler is a pre-ban AD!

PS. I think he lies about his weight. He, like his owner, has put on a LOT of weight since his last license was issued....
AB 72 here in Calif. would make the owner of a dog (trained to attack, fight or kill...READ GUARD DOG!) guilty of a felony if the dog substantially hurts someone, and make said owner's felony eligible under the Calif 3 strike law.
The wording is vague enough such that a burglar, intruder, etc could file charges if injured by a guard dog. Further, using said trained dog to attack is considered offensive use of a deadly weapon....great news for folks who jog with a dog for protection (NOT!). Example: a woman jogging is accosted by a rapist, she sics the dog on him...she is guilty of use of a deadly weapon. Thus a DA could prosecute her! ("Lay back honey and enjoy it").

What is astounding is that in the description/justification of said AB72 the following passage is part of it:
"Gang members have been known to use trained dogs to attack and kill and further have been known to slit the vocal cords of these dogs to prevent warning the victim"

Oh my! Silenced dogs. What is next? Ban dogs with tactical tails (folding stocks)? Cropped ears (bayonet lugs)?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Dogs are *eeevil!* Mere possession of a dog makes you more likely to sic it on a Poor Innocent Child! Having a dog in the house means you're 43 times more likely to be bitten!

Perhaps someone (ahem) should send the above letter to VPC...

AB 72 here in Calif.

'nuff said.
"Quemadmoeum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est."
(The sword does not kill; it is a tool in the hands of the killer.)
--Seneca "the Younger" (ca. 4 BC-65 AD)

[This message has been edited by Coinneach (edited March 30, 1999).]
Well, I have two dogs. One is a happy little fur ball who likes to fetch and play and is in the habit of barking his head off at people he doesn't know or strange sounds outside. That's OK with me, he's the alarm system. When the alarm goes off, the big dog comes to check the problem. You all know the big dog, he barks real loud here and bites way over there! When the problem is solved the big dog just curls back up in his holster. ;)
Ah, good ole Tina Terry. I sure would like to meet her someday. I read some good stuff from her from time to time, and she is as active as I wish we all were in the revealing of the flaws of gun control.

Tina Terry for Az Governor!

I can't believe it, and I don't know if some of you who have sent this to people you know have recieved the same response....


(taking a deep breath...)

I'm not impressed with the ignorance of some people concerning the political climate that they live in, and the daily violations of the Constitution that most pay lip service to but really don't understand.

It was a nasty wake-up call....

(off Rant channel)


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

Funny post, funnier that some people actually belived it!

Or is that sad......


Mouse Assassins inc.
Very funny, guys... Unfortunately, it's also anything but far-fetched.
The governor of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, has just signed a new law that will have all pit bulls in the state castrated. Breeding, buying and selling them is now forbidden. For those animals already here, there are other restrictions as well. You must be over 18 to walk your dog, and then only between 10:00PM and 5:00AM... Leash and muzzle are mandatory. People are encouraged to call the authorities to denounce any dog owners who disobeys said law. They expect to wipe out the breed in less then 15 years.
The author of this garbage, a left-wing representative, declared to a local paper: "pit bulls are like guns with paws; therefore, this is another step towards disarming the population" (not surprisingly, he also wants to prohibit the sale of firearms and ammo in the state. The governor - also a leftist - supports his efforts wholeheartedly, even though he admits that shutting down gun stores would be unconstitutional).
Folks, I'm mad as hell, and I can't take it anymore! I once had the privilege of living in the US for almost 5 years, and I'm longing to go back.
Sorry about the long post.


Leo Daher

BTW, I'm not a dog owner.
Leo, Leo ... you're such an extremist. Really ... you must be paranoid ... that would never happen in the U.S.! ;)

No, here we would limit the pit bulls to one testicle. And, the people clamoring for the law would swear they weren't trying to outlaw pit bulls. And, they would maintain, pit bulls would be OK for sporting purposes. And, you could still have a pit bull with two testicles, but the second one would have to be a pre-ban testicle, blah, blah, blah ... :)

Don't ya just love some people's concept of 'land of the free, and home of the brave'? ;)

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited April 14, 1999).]
I hear you, Jeff.

OTOH, in the US you'd get organized and create the NCA (National Canine Association), and fight for your rights as citizens and dog owners. You'd win some battles and lose some, but you'd be part of the process, if you cared enough. Here, they just don't care, and that's what makes me mad :(
I realize most Americans take their freedoms for granted, which is a terrible thing. But there's enough of you who will go the extra mile to make a difference, and that's all I wanted - to be able to fight for my rights, without being seen as some kinda weirdo :(

Again, sorry about the ranting.


Leo Daher
Leo, as far as I can tell, TFL is a free-fire zone for ranting. ;)

Hope you can make it back to the U.S. someday. It is still a great country. And, if recent gun shows are any indication, people are starting to wake up.

Spoke to a fellow today who said the most recent gun show in Phoenix doubled his sales versus the previous year. People who have never owned guns are installing safes, buying guns, and getting CCW permits and training. I think there are quite a few Americans that are beginning to wake up, and are realizing that they'd better use it or lose it - the 2nd Amendment that is ...
People actually believed this?
OTOH, peaple actually believe the same drivel when applied to guns :(

As far as banning PitBulls n Brazil, ever heard of a Fila Brazillio? (sp?) Originally bred in Brazil for hunting Jaguar, they make PitBulls look like Chihuahuas!
check 'em out at <a href="" target="new"></a>

My Rottweiler, my guns, my wallet, and I would all be quite happy to continue existing w/o interference from socialists everywhere.


Who is John Galt?
AJ .40,

Yes, the Fila Brasileiro is a huge beast. Of course, some stupid politicians want to pass a law that would ban the breed nationwide - together with Rotties, Dobermans and Pit Bulls. Oh, well... :(


Thanks for the sympathy, buddy. Actually, I'm just waiting for my wife to graduate from college (which should take 3 more years :(). I have her full support, and that means the world to me.
You know, when I lived in the US, it didn't take me long to become a member of the NRA. I soon became certified as Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun and Personal Protection instructor. I also made it a point to always contribute to the ILA. It's obvious to me that every gun owner should join these fine organizations (as well as other active pro-gun groups).
Again, thanks for the support. It won't be easy, but by God, I shall return! :D


Leo Daher

[This message has been edited by Leo Daher (edited April 15, 1999).]