Canes on Planes


New member
I took my first airline jaunt since 9/11 over this past weekend, between SLC and Chicago, carrying my Canemasters "custom combat cane" with me. I'd brought along "documentation of need", by way of some X-Rays (broken foot, etc.) in anticipation of being possibly questioned, but although I was thoroughly searched, including being patted down and "wanded", no one said a word about the cane at security check points in either airport (SLC or O'Hare).
Fun to see National Guardsmen/MPs wearing cammies and carrying weapons (M4s slung muzzle down, in front carry, at SLC), though I doubt the chambers were loaded
I did have an officious stewardess on the return flight ask me if the cane was a "prop" (since I carried it in my hand at mid-shaft, like a stick, and didn't limp), and insist that if I was to sit in an exit row (as I preferred) that I put it in the overhead luggage compartment (I know, makes no sense), but I was too tired to argue with her, and since the flight had all of 30 people on it, I had no special reason for caution, and submitted to this nonsensical bit of authoritarianism. Next time, I'll not sit in an exit row, I guess.
Anyway, it appears that a crook-head cane remains a viable choice for carry on board a plane even though a fingernail-clipper nail file is verboten, and obviously a stick can be an excellent tool for self defense. Best.
I bring my Canemaster Gent's cane on planes whenever I fly. I, too, carry the documentation of need (bum hip), but haven't had to show it. Only had to put it in overhead once . . . they were worried about people tripping over it (I was aisle seat and there were two others inside - I'd set it on floor at my feet perpendicular to aisle).

Anyway, like you I haven't been hassled about bringing the cane on planes - which is good because I need it in the endless queues that airlines have always provided.