candidates and security


New member
I was just wondering about this and was looking for some input.

Now I understand that some of the presidential candidates recieve taxpayer funded security. I remember before Barack Obama even got into the race that the Secret Service was assigning a detail to protect him. Hillary probably has had a detail since Bill was President and Rudy had some for his girlfriend while still married to wife number two.

Now is it just possible that if we could cut off the funding for these people and they had to pay for it themselves they might change their mind. Same for every politican. If they had to take care of themselves or pay out of their own pocket would they see the world differently. Now I'm not for not protecting the active President, or protecting building like the White House or Congress, just stop paying for people who aren't the current President.

A few loud noises near them could change it so they would take personnel responsiblity for their own safety. From what I've read and heard Huckabee is the only one that carries. He might even be quicker then the secret service and beat them to the punch if he gets the job. Would love a pistol packin' Pres.

Makes me think back to when McCain toured Iraq and said it was as safe as shopping in America, till they backed up the camera and you saw a security force of over 30 of our best keeping the crowds away. Well maybe that IS how he shops in America but not us. Just unbelievable.

Anyone else besides me see the irony?:eek: