Candidate John McCain

Ed Brunner

New member
Dan Quayle's dropout was sad but inevitable, but could be calanced by McCain's entry into the race.
Mc Cain appears willing to stake out his positions in such a way as to make the others look like single-issue candidates and if they are not forthcoming he will soon have all the good issues for himself!

We shall see...

Better days to be,

I'd consider voting for McCain based on the joke that got him into deep shiite last year.

"America needs additional gun laws like a giraffe needs snow tires."
--Rabbi Mermelstein, JPFO
Candidate: John McCain

Campaign Finances
As of the July, 1999 Reporting Period.

Funds Raised:

Funds Spent:


Press Clippings

McCain Calls for Hearings on Gun Control.

Los Angeles Times August 17, 1999

"Look, my dear friends, don't think that just gun control is the answer," McCain told the reporters and editors, whom he met as he kicked off a two-week campaign effort in California. "If you do, you are not talking to the same people I'm talking to. The use of the gun is the manifestation of some very serious illnesses and problems in American society, and we've got to address it in its broad contexts."

He criticized the questioners for asking more about gun measures than media violence and Internet Web sites that promote hatred. And he belittled a question about whether Americans should be required to register their weapons as they register their cars.

"A gun and a car are not the same," he said. "How about treating a gun like an elephant? They are not the same."

Speaking to reporters after the ADL speech, McCain flatly said "no" when asked if he would sign on to a bill banning specific assault weapons, like the one pressed into law in 1994 by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.).

Later in the day at The Times, however, he said he was open to voting for an assault weapon ban, depending on the details.

"I will be willing to consider any reasonable proposal," he said.

He said his objections to the Feinstein bill centered on the lack of "proper scrutiny, proper hearings and proper legislative process" given the assault weapon bill, which passed only after years of debate on Capitol Hill.

His proposed hearings, McCain said, would consider all manner of proposals, including a raft of suggestions for limiting guns that were recently suggested by Atty. Gen. Janet Reno. "There's no legislation to pass that will stop a madman or show a deeply troubled person that there's a path to happiness that doesn't involve destruction, rage or violence," he said.

But the question came up directly during the audience question-and-answer session, when retired lawyer Martin Bernstein of Los Angeles rose to ask McCain why adults should be able to own assault weapons. In response, McCain said he would press to keep weapons out of the hands of children.

When Bernstein persisted, noting that he had specifically asked about access by adults, McCain answered brusquely. "Let me also point out to you, my friend, if you want to take every gun in California and dump it into the Pacific Ocean, I'll still take you to a Web site where it teaches children how to build pipe bombs," he said.

"I understand the importance of this issue of weapons but to somehow define that as being the major cause, there's a whole lot of causes."

Bernstein said later that he was not impressed by McCain's answers.

"He didn't address the question," he said. "He ran all around it."

Later, at The Times discussion, McCain said that he favored strong support for existing gun control laws and a "look" at whether specific categories of guns should be restricted. He also enthusiastically endorsed technological advances that would limit use of a gun to its owner.


Legislative or Executive Record

McCain has served in the U.S. Senate since 1986.

He has supported the NRA position on all votes save two during that period, including supporting the NRA by opposing the Semi Auto ban on numerous votes, voting against the waiting period on numerous votes and voting in favor of hunting and the Civilian Marksmanship program.

He voted against the NRA on:

Campaign Finance Reform. McCain is a primary Sponsor of reform legislation that NRA has lobbyed against.

He voted against the motion to table (kill) an amendment banning internet firearms sales.

(coutersy of the NRA-ILA)

I know Senator McCain spent all those yrears as a POW. He served his country honorably,BUT as a Senator he doesnt cut the mustard. He follows the elitist lines just like the rest of these Senators. The Founders were correct 110% when they set up the election of US Senators by the state legislatures. One of the biggest dissaters in American political history was when senators were popularly elected starting in 1913. it is called mob democracy and the founders hated such a system.
He lost my vote a long time ago when we were in Kosovo, and his waffling on gun-control issues leaves ALOT to be desired.


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
referal #2005932
One excellent point in his favor. He voted to kick Slick Willie out of the white House.
I respect him for that. Still and all, he is a politician.
Paul B.
I have seen nothing but pro McCain news coverage since Moynihan got behind him. He seems to be the media favorite. Does anyone think that his support for campaign finance reform is what puts him in a favorable light with the media? For cryin' out loud, why do I see all the media attention focus on him? Even Bush has taken a back seat to McCain here in California. The media does nothing but report favorably on McCain here. What the hell is going on? Does the media have us so well pidgeon holed that they take us for patsies?

Make no mistake, boys, that McCain gets the media support because he wants campaign finance reform...........a bill, that if it passes, will silence your voice and leave only the media to speak for you. If you contribute to the NRA so that, together, we increase the power of our voice, then you must understand that this new campaign finance reform law will make illegal the contributions you make (HELL! the contributions we all make) so that the NRA so can speak for us politically. The NRA (in other and I) would be CUT OFF FROM FREE POLITICAL SPEECH!!!! YEA! Let's here it for McCain!! Let's hear it for Campaign finance reform so the politicians/media can shut us up and leave only the media to speak for us!
The site:

A snip from the article:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>(snip) The sad fact is that McCain's war record -- as tarnished as it is -- is perhaps his best qualification for office. His flip-flopping views on important issues of the day, his pro-establishment policies on trade and campaign financing and his smug, self-righteous attacks on others are even bigger reasons to avoid this candidate as a serious alternative to the major front-runners -- as pathetic a lot as they might be. (snip)[/quote]


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
referal #2005932
Frank is dead on on this...

Campaign finance reform will silence everyone but the pols and the media.
Considering that during the Clinton administration especially....the government has sidestepped, danced around, backdoored and hamstrung the Constitution, the legislative and the judiciary why is campaign finance reform such an important to McCain? Methinks the first and most important priority is to get the Federal gov't back on track as specified in the Constitution; or else we have a gov't that is still abusing the law and no means of reining it back in.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Senator McCain apparently believes if you sell your gun at a gun show,
you should pay an FFL dealer to make that change of ownership.

Next compromise probably will cover ANY transfer of a gun - including
gifts to your children, wife, etc.

- He thinks this surely will stop kids from stealing guns and shooting up
- I think it is backdoor gun registration and gun owner registration.

But, then again, it’s just another Republican compromise - for the

(Quote: )

Thursday, May 13, 1999; for immediate release;
Contact: Nancy Ives (202) 224-7130


WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today the Senate is expected to adopt an
amendment cosponsored by Senator John McCain (R-AZ) to close a
loophole in legislation adopted yesterday that could have allowed gun
purchases without background checks at gun shows. The amendment,
crafted by McCain and others, would require instant background
checks at all events at which at least 10 exhibitors are selling
firearms or at least 20 percent of the exhibitors are selling guns.
McCain said, "This is not an overly burdensome requirement in the
face of the tragic shootings at Columbine High School. Rather, it is a
responsible means of lessening the likelihood of unlawful gun

How long will that “instant” check take, Senator? Is it still three

It's time for a change...