Candidate for Congress raising money with gun raffle

This seems to be the New Wave, and not a bad one at that. I'm in Nevada, but it's worth a couple of tickets.

I feel better doing this than sending all my bucks to the big organizations as at least I can see where the bucks are going.

At least visit the guy's website to jack up the vistor numbers -- 215 since October. He needs more exposure.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
The counter seems to be busted. I had to reload twice to get it to 216.

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Well, he got a blurb on the local news station out of the Quad Cities out of it tonight. Actually, it was a pretty fair piece. You could tell the anchor thing was pretty disturbed by the idea but they did make an effort to let the man speak and he handled himself OK. Fairness is all I ask; you can't expect the poor little things to pretend they love guns. Had I known about this before I entered that Glock raffle I'd have put more into this one. Oh well. They did forget to mention on the news that the prize includes a firearms safety course and a copy of Lott's book. Sounds like a hell of a deal for $5 a pop!

The part that burned me was not the news. It was the interview with the local head of the Republican party (Dr. Curtiss' party) and the NRA statement. The Republican lady said he was being irresponsible and blowing things out of proportion (by holding a raffle?) and the local NRA representative supposedly told the station that some members are for it, some are against it, and the NRA isn't sure this is the image they want to project. WHAT THE HELL? I know we decided to stand together so I won't tell people not to join NRA--but I can think of a couple of people who should resign, starting with the jerk who made that statement. Nothing like taking pot shots at the man who's fighting your battle for you.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Maybe this should be titled "Son of Hobgood".

Saturday, December 11, 1999

A Surprising 89% of the People in TV Poll support Pro-Gun Candidates

MOLINE, ILLINOIS, December 11, 1999 (CN)-- WQAD-TV 8 in Moline, Illinois got more than they bargained for when they ran a poll Friday night asking the question: "Would you support a candidate who favors the right to carry a gun?"

A surprising 89% of the viewers said "yes", in support of a pro-gun candidate. 11% said "no", they wouldn't support such a candidate.
The biggest benefactor of the poll was 17th Congressional Candidate Michael Curtiss MD, who has been on the national media hot seat since Associated Press ran a national story on the rural doctor's controversial gun raffle fundraiser.

Should Curtiss prevail in the March Republican Primary, he will square off with nine-term incumbent Democrat Lane Evans in the final poll that counts in November.

Things never looked more shaky for Evans, a man who narrowly won two years ago, and is described by Gun Owners of America as an "anti-gun leader." [This last paragraph is KEY folks, people are probably tired of Evans after nine terms, PLUS the bozo is anti-gun]

Second item:

Curtiss Gun Raffle becomes Show Heard "Round the World"

Mount Carroll, Illinois, December 10, 1999 (CN)-- You could call it the "shot heard 'round the world." It's a gun raffle in Princeton, Illinois. And it's making waves at such national media outlets as the Wall Street Journal, the G. Gordon Liddy Show and MSNBC.

What makes the raffle so intriguing, is it's being conducted by a Republican primary candidate for the 17th District Congressional seat: Dr. Michael Curtiss.

The rural-care family doctor held a news conference this morning at his Mount Carroll home, defending both the raffle and Curtiss' Second Amendment rights.

Curtiss said, "Just the fact that there is a question of the legality of firearms shows how far the tentacles of the government have reached into our lives. There is nothing wrong with guns. We teach our children from a young age how to handle a weapon with respect and how to be responsible when using firearms."

His raffle of a .45 caliber handgun and a rifle flies in the face of President Clinton's newly-announced class action lawsuit against gun makers.

Curtiss says his platform is one of support for God, family, country, the constitution and the Bill of Rights. If Curtiss prevails in the primary, he will face Democratic Congressman Lane Evans in the fall 2000 general election.

It takes guts to do a gun raffle. The liberal media is trying to demonize Curtiss, but they are really boosting his campaign.
[I mentioned this before, those bozos JUST DON'T LEARN.] Recently his gun raffle prompted a Quad Cities TV station to conduct of poll. 89% of the viewers responded saying they would support a pro-gun candidate!
-- 30 --

Here's a win-win suggestion [not my idea, dammit] -- buy a couple of tickets and send them to Rosie! [Anybody got a mail address?] Curtiss gets the money, and Rosie doesn't DARE collect the prize. The media will have a field day if she wins -- what will Rosie do with these "evil" things?

In the immortal words of Roy Biggins of "Wings", "God, I love irony!".

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.