Canadian Writer bashes Americans


Moderator Emeritus
Americans give up every right except the one that's most deadly

I'm just glad this guy doesn't live in our country. One less anti for the fight. The problem is American Newspapers importing his bull$*!t. Take your BP medicine before reading. (You've been warned!)

Here's the link:

Here's an excerpt:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Americans would rather put sick people in prison for smoking marijuana than force all its citizens to register their revolvers.

Americans would rather hold the world record for state executions in a democracy, than confiscate a Colt 45.

Americans would rather the poor have limits on their health care than safety locks on their Smith & Wessons.

Americans would rather let parts of their cities become war zones, than have cities that are gun-free zones.

Americans would rather ban people from smoking cigarettes in restaurants than ban them from carrying in concealed weapons.

Americans would rather ban pornography than purchases of cop-killer bullets.

Americans would rather restrict welfare benefits than weapons permits.[/quote]

A real P!$$er, eh? This douchebag was published in the Miami Herald. Isn't there a law against the importation of dangerous ideas. (The Klintonistas wouldn't enforce them anyway)

"A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you." - Ramsay Clark

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale
It's pretty obvious the whining statist that wrote this piece of tripe actually likes big, powerful, oppressive gov't. Which means his ideas are worth, precisely, d!ck. <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Americans would rather put sick people in prison for smoking marijuana than
force all its citizens to register their revolvers.[/quote] The sad thing is I would agree with him about the insanity of the drug laws, but then the little mewling sycophant shows his true stripes and uses the words, "force" and "register". while it shows an understanding of what governments do, it's too bad he seems to prefer it.

And the small-minded lickspittle even throws out such hackneyed, palpably untrue catch-phrases as, "cop-killer bullets" and "gun-free zones". So we can add unoriginal and liar and to the lexicon of descriptive phrases for our Canadian Wonder.

Yep, just about what we've come to expect from the media in the social democracies of the world, including the U.S.

"The right of self-defense is the first law of nature: in most governments it has been the study of rulers to confine this right within the narrowest limits possible. Wherever standing armies are kept up, and when the right of the people to keep and bear arms is, under any color or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction." Henry St. George Tucker
Gee guys, taken word for word, I pretty much agree with what he's saying.

Although I get the feeling he actually means something else...
with all due respect to our friends abroad, and not to include any of our forum members, i really don't give a damn what they think of the way we doing things here. sure, we got some really messed up things that goes on here, but don't they have enough problems of their own to worry about?
Like Hank Williams said " if you mind your own business, then you won't be mindin' mine"

BLAH, BLAH from the North.
Ask him to give us a wonderful discertation on the Canadian Medical (Social)Insurance system in his country if evrything is so great there. Just more crap from the northern anti crowd.

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.
Personally, that's the way I like it. That's why I live in the US and not in Canada. It was a few years ago I was in Toronto and read in their newspaper that a few local hospitals would have to shut down most of their operations and transfer non-critical patients to other hospitals between Christmas and New Years. This was because their soicialized medical structure would RUN OUT OF MONEY (by the end of that year).

Canada, an excellent place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.

- Ron V.

Well the jerk-off is right about one thing: We'd "rather shoot than switch".

Maybe it should be "rather fight than switch." :)
On a positive note, anytime I hear a critic from the land of Nod, I take it as a complement!

Gee, now if the U.S. could only get with the
Canadian program, and have (per capita) as many serial killers as they do.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... That one shuts them up every time. Eh?
They are just mad cause we turned down the candaian application for statehood...

"Supreme authority derives from a mandate from the masses. Not from some farsicle aquatic ceremony."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
At the least the Canadians have the guts to send real help to support the East Timorese.
If Australia was in trouble we could count on the Canadians - I just hope that Indonesia doesn't want to invade Australia because then helping Australia would be against the US economic interest just like it is in East Timor.
Hold on a minute you wascally wabbit :)

The U.S. is not the world police, and the situation in Timor is analogous to a domestic dispute. This time let's let UN members that are closer to the action volunteer (i.e. all other Indonesians, Australians, etc.) For once, I'm glad we're not getting involved.

Let's not get distracted from the subject like this though. The point of this post is that we don't want what happened in Australia and Canada and England, etc, etc. to happen in our country also. I hope we can count on your support through your experiences in gun confiscation to help us with ideas to prevent it from happening here.

We're all in this fight together, let's not bicker over issues not related to guns.

"A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you." - Ramsay Clark

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale
RA, the last time another country tried to invade Australia who was there to stop them. Ever heard about the battle of the Coral Sea?

The carrier we lost in the battle was called the Lexington. Do you know why it was called Lexington.

Dont sell the US short, in the end we will have to hold the hands of whomever the UN sends in to stop the blodshed. Our ships, our aircraft, our logistics train and probably our troops.

Geoff Ross

Damn!...I need more practice!

[This message has been edited by K80Geoff (edited September 09, 1999).]
Yes I know about that and how the US helped save Australia back then. I'm talking about the current governments attitude not what happened in ww2. Australians don't forget what happened then. 20 000 East Timorese also died in ww2.
This is not an attack of the bravery of ww2 soldiers it is a comment on the current political situation. I'm sure many ww2 pacific veterans would be upset the way East Timor is being ignored.
The Timorese fought in World War II because it was in their self-interest to do so, not because they liked Americans or Australians and wanted to "do the right thing".

It is not in our self-interest to expend American lives to save Timorese lives. 3/4ths of the planet consists of little statist despotic governments where they murder and abuse their subjects. Shall we attack 3/4ths of the planet? Will the Australians help us do so?

I'll direct my efforts against the statist pieces of dreck right here at home who are busily destroying my liberty. Got no time for East Timorese or Chinese, North Koreans, Russians, Bosnians, etc. No more Vietnams, please.

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page:
Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!

Let's not forget we're allies here! If Mexico had a civil war, I would expect the U.S. to send troops, but I wouldn't expect the Australians to get involved. Appreciate, yes, but not expect.

I don't think the Australians need us to hold their hands if they send troops to Timor. The record of their armed services speaks for itself. Ask some US vets - the Aussies fought beside - not behind - the US and Britain in WWI, WWII, and Vietnam (I'm sure I'm leaving some out - I'm not too up on Australian history) and they did more than just hold their own. If the US chooses to get involved, it's just that - our choice. If we choose to foot the bill, once again, blame our politicians, not our allies.
I'll say again, the entire world is a battle zone and I don't support throwing away American lives in every little conflict.

It is in Australia's interest to get involved in the mess in East Timor. It is not any of our business to do so.

We just got involved in Yugoslavia and now apparently, we are going to give them billions of dollars to rebuild the infrastucture we destroyed. We didn't need to get involved, and we certainly don't need to pick American taxpayers pockets to undue what we shouldn't have done in the first place.

We don't need to be everyones big brother.

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page:
Many Canadians from what i am hearing are really worried how their country has nearly completed its decent into socialist slavery. I think they understand that if we go down the drain down here they have no chance at all of us helping them throw off NWO control. Canada once was the envy of the world. Inspite of her harsh climate ,she was once a prosperous nation. Is this our fate also? I am hearing that gang violence and other city crimes are common in Canada now. This was unheard of at one time. The Global Plantation is right on target in the Great White North.