Canadian Geese = Vermin


New member
How long until there is an East Coast open season on these giant swimming pigeons?

The population is growing huger by the year.

Large numbers of them do not migrate any more.

Ahh, BUT they are still listed as migratory gamebirds, thus USFWS sets the bag limit.

Wisconsin sees lots of these buggers too!

The state has set an early season to get the local populations, 10 years ago they were very limited, trying not to take too many.
NOW we are trying to figure out how to make a dent in the population. (a few farmers I know have some suggestions :D)

Yes they do er, stink up the place don't they?

Other control methods tried have been shaking the eggs, trap and relocate, and the most effective tool, (where allowed) has been hunting. I have tried to make a dent,
a longer early season would help here. maybe you can suggest a Wisconsin style early (or late) season for the local birds to your state game dept???????

Good luck.

The problem is that they are over running parks, golf courses, & median strips

Not exactly huntable cover.

They don't fear people and will take the gosslings out for a stroll right across a busy road.

As an overpopulated species, they will get some sort of lethal plague, i just hope it is not West Nile Fever...
