This is OLD HAT. The Canucks, particularly in BC have 'decriminalized' or 'legalized' all those NASTY drugs the US government wants to put it's citizens in jail if they use them.
The scary part is that Vancouver, BC collected over $3 BILLION in taxes last year from those who 'legally sell pot' in their fair city. That money more than covered the big building boom going on in Vancouver, due to their getting the 2010 Winter Olympics.
The reason I say that it's SCARY is that due to lie and deciet being fawned upon the US citizens over 'the war on drugs', we keep over 1 million people in federal prison on drug charges every year. At an average cost of $30K per person. That's $30 billion a year pissed down the prison drain.
Instead, if the US government would just legalize drugs and then tax the piss out of them, they would take in three to five times the amount of money they currently spend every year.
The results would mean that the FIRST YEAR that they started taxing drugs, they could spend everything they planned on spending, pay off the current deficiet, and be left with a huge surplus, WITHOUT one dime being collected in taxes. Income tax and SSI taxes would no longer be necessary.
But it's a no win situation for current politicians who have been selling the 'war on drugs' LIE for their whole career. What happens to them when this finally does occur? They will be voted right out of office.
This will all occur about the time that SSI has become overrun with retirees who want the benefits they were promised. Plus that says NOTHING of all those people who will NO LONGER be paying any taxes because they will be retired and living on SSI. NOW THAT'S SCARY!