Can you sue..

Short answer...yes

Long answer...ya gotta do some research and find other "peculiarities", you'll lose if you make it a search on TFL for member "Jim March" (search the Legal forum)....he did sue in Calif, successfully

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
That's Jim March's website

Thanks JimR

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I would think not. UNLESS you could prove a negligent disregard for the concern of your life, or a direct family members. Such as;
<LI> Direct life threats to you, or family members.
<LI> You, or direct family member were the subject of a known dangerous stalker.
<LI> You, or a family member, were the repeated victim of violent abuse.

And only after any and all of this might have occured could you show contempt, or disregard for your well-being, by disallowing you to protect yourself with deadly force.
But, this exact same scenarion has occured in this country, because of the same refusal of LEO agencies to issue CCW to those who desperately needed it. Only after the fact was it known how urgently the CCW was needed.

I would think it would be possible for a competent attorney to build a case in this direction. Perhaps this is what's necessary to force the respective LEO's to issue CCW's. Rather to mandate States to force County Sheriff's to comply with State Laws.

The most foolish mistake we could make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms; history shows that all conquerers who have allowed their subjected people to carry arms have prepared their own fall.
Adolf Hitler
Because I am old and slow etc. I cant understand why people want to bring suit to demand compliance with a law that they already know is unconstitutional.
If we have a right to keep and bear arms how can we allow anybody to regulate it?

Better days to be,

Your right but thats the point. We have to get it into the courts. Why should I be denied when someone just three miles away in another county will be issued just because the sheriff feels differently. Ultimately the "right to keep" debate will have to be settled in the supreme court. Until then we will be on the same road going down hill.

And when did we start registering our rights in this country? I don't remember registering my freedom of speech, better get going - wonder how much will it cost...

[This message has been edited by Tommy.Gun (edited April 05, 2000).]
Jim March did good but he had to prove that there was real discrimination and that it wasn't justified by the public good. He was able to do this because he could prove that
A. The sherriff effectively sold CCWs to his biggest supporters and
B. The sherriff issued in an affluent, mostly white part of the area and never in the poorer, mostly black area. Jim's white but he lives in the black area and knew why it was being denied.
TommyGun: In some cases you may successfully sue the CCW licensing agency for performance in issuing a CCW.

Back during the late '70s I lived in South Florida where CCWs were near impossible to get from Broward and Dade Counties. This of course was prior to the statewide licensing law and every county treated CCW issuance and their citizens differently. A member of my gun club was a licensed private detective and had to file suit against Broward County to get his CCW RENEWED. In fact it became a routine, if not aggravating procedure, for him and the county always issued his license rather than fight a losing case in court.

My thoughts are that in circumstances where you are required by your profession to be armed and you have a clean record, the licensing agency can be successfully sued to force issuance. There may be other situations under which legal action can force issuance. In fact, we gunowners should be looking for reason to sue these anti-gun s*bs.