Can You Still Hunt If You Have Been Declared Brain Dead?


New member
Well, the boner of the year award goes to me.

I am so jazzed up about going to Africa that I have been moving at Warp 12 speed for the last five days, trying to get EVERYTHING done before I go.
I made arrangements to get to the airport today, called friends at my stopover to meet me, and cancelled everything for the next three weeks as of 1700 today.
I got home, checked my tickets again, and realized that I leave TOMORROW.
What could I say but, "Duh!".

There is only one possible explanation for this.
I guess I was moving so fast, that relativity kicked in. Time moved subjectively slower for me, and the result was that I gained a whole day.
Yeah, right...

My wife says that I am an overexcited superannuated four year old. Maybe she's right.
well you are supposed to arrive early for an international flight!

Have a great, exciting, safe time!


You know that with Time Dialation comes Length Contraction...have a good trip and we look forward to stories from the bush upon your return. BTW-did you give up on the .458 WM in favor of taking the Cape Buff with the Voodoo Hound. :)

It is far better to dare mighty things, though riddled with failure, than to live in the dull grey of mediocrity.
Mad Dog, as to the question.... over many years hunting in many places, I've seen several hunters who were brain dead.

Best of luck on your safari. J.B.
I know you'll have a blast. (pun intended) :)
Hope you have a GREAT time.....expect an after action report upon your return. :D

"Lead, follow or get the HELL out of the way."
How 'bout this:
My in-laws were going to fly home to Utah from England. They got up to the ticket counter and the attendant says: "I'm sorry, but these tickets were for YESTERDAY." They had missed their flight by a full 24 hours! The flight was on Tuesday, they were thinking it was Wednesday. They had to reschedule and stay over another night. OOOOPS! :)
Did you ever see the cartoon of two duck hunters in their blind, wearing everything they owned, icicles hanging off their guns, and in snow/sleet? Looking out at two guys similarly dressed, in a boat, fishing?

The cut line, one duck hunter to the other, is, "Can you imagine anybody crazy enought to go fishing in weather like this?"

OF COURSE you're brain dead! So are we all!

;), Art
MAD DOG....may you have even more fun on the trip than the preparations.

Anybody....what is a " compass (southern hemisphere) ? Been from Hokkaido to Hobart and never knew about special compass for tother side of the equator. Just allowed for declination and deviation for the local area. Hate to think I missed a new way to get lost, thought I had tried all of em.

Sam..."follow me, I know a shortcut"
Quote from C.R.Sam
"Sam..."follow me, I know a shortcut" THAT was funny. :D

"Lead, follow or get the HELL out of the way."

[This message has been edited by DorGunR (edited June 28, 2000).]