Can you smell it?

When stepping out into the morning air these days can you smell the upcoming season? Does the coolness take your breathe when you breathe deeply? Do the stars seem to shine a bit brighter? Does the days seem to be getting a bit shorter? The days until the opener longer?

It's almost that time, ladies and gentlemen. The time we have all been waiting for since the last day of last season. The time where we can once again go to our second "home" and do what we so love.

Soon we'll watch that sun paint the black sky with it's pink spears of light from our favorite perch.

Soon we'll watch the woods come alive with small creatures greeting the new day.

Soon we'll make that trek across that logging road or fields edge in the pre-dawn darkness with eager anticipation of what may happen that day.

The sleepless nights are upon us once again. The nights where we lay in our beds and think about where we're going to put that stand, and wondering if it's the right spot. Or where we'll put our buddy when they are able to come along.

We'll lay in bed making our checklists--trying to remember everything as we lay there wide awake; but feeling as rested as a new born fawn.

I could go on and on, but I just wanted to wish all of you a safe and successful season.

May your freezers be full and woods bountiful.


The Georgia opener is almost here...

I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again. ~~Etienne de Grellet
It'll be October before the coolness really hits here, and drives me into that frenzy. For now, at least,it's not "Mad Dogs and Englishmen" hot, and that means dove in N. TX. As the twilights come earlier and earlier whilest I stand along the fencerows, my heart quickens at the thought of the game to come.

It's been a long, hot summer. We deserve a good hunting season, to settle our souls.


"For all you do...
This buck's for you." :)
Sneak-man, am I with you. The weather here has dipped into the "list making" range, meaning that I've got the fever!!! Last night began the Reckoning, each item being assessed on it's performance last know the drill. Just got one of Gene Hill's books in the mail today; if you haven't read one, fellas, you don't know what you're missing. He's one of us to the core. Good hunting and God Bless to each of you: May I see you at the campfire but not in the woods!
Sneak-man! That was beautiful! Almost made me cry. I think all of us get a feeling in our bones when fall approaches. Mine came a few weeks early this year! Wish everyone good hunting this year, and may God guide your bullets and arrows! And keep you safe!