Can you request a specific serial # for a custom built rifle?


New member
I wanted to give a loved one a really nice rifle, but was wondering if I could request the ATF to issue me a specific serial # for the rifle I want to have built? Who do I contact in order to get them to issue this if it is possible?


The ATF has nothing to do with it - the maker of the action registers the serial number (or whatever they do with it, okay?) when they make the action.

I know Jerry Stiller can be persuaded to make Vipers with custom serial numbers - dang fine action; very slick - dunno if he makes a repeater tho... He's got a site coming off of - afik, it's illegal it remove/change a serial number on an existing receiver.
I know one riflesmith who numbers his guns along with the serial number. The numbers represent the gun that came off the line, i.e., gun #2, #3, etc.