can you help me identify my nagant


New member
im not sure if i have a finnish m28/30 or a m39 mossin nagant. how can i tell?
it is maked with the sako proff mark and sky 1944 on it also.
This is the best site for Nagant information that I have found. You should easily be able to identify your rifle from their pictures.

From your limited description I would say that you have a Soviet M44 but more information would be necessary and pictures always help. The more information you give us, the more we can help. That link should get you going in the right direction.
My bad, I meant Finnish M39. Sometimes I type faster than I think. I've never seen a Finn stamped 1944. Could you post some pictures?
They quit making M28/30s in 1940, so a 1944 would most probably be a M39. Also, M28/30s had straight wristed stocks, while most M39s had pistol grips. There were a few very early M39s with straight stocks.
My well-worn 1943 SKy M39 is one of my favorites - a very smooth 2 stage trigger on it.
People often call a mosin, a nagant, because technically they are mosin nagants. The Belgium gunmaker, Nagant, designed the feeding system on the Mosin Nagant whereas the Soviet gunmaker, Mosin, designed the rest of the rifle.
Collectors refer to the rifle as Mosin and refer to the 1895 revolver as Nagant. It does get confusing to see a posting using the term Nagant and then see that the posting is about a rifle. It happens so commonly that I have gotten used to it and deal with it accordingly.
The fact that most dealers don't know the difference between Finns and Soviets and other details about these rifles has enabled me to get some very collectible rifles at dirt cheap prices. The internet has made these deals occur less often and dealers generally now know the difference.
So, if you want to appear to be a knowledgable collector, don't call a Mosin a Nagant.