Can you check my build real quick?


New member
Hey guys.

I finally got my Savage 110 BA Stealth in today. I had a magpaul prs stock and adapter waiting for when it came. A really friendly gunsmith installed it for me for free and I just got done putting my vortex optic and rings on.

I just wanted to know if you guys see any immediate issues looking at the build. I mean, it is pretty obvious that the stock is extended pretty far. Because of that, I had to mount my scope pretty far back. Is there generally any issues with mounting a scope far back? It definitely clears the picatinny rail, it's not laying on it or anything. I have to lean forward a little to get full eye relief on the scope but it's not uncomfortable.
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Why the Magpul over the factory stock? Really the picture is too small to tell and there aren't enough from differe t angles to tell anything. I'd say go shoot it and then you'll know if there are any problems.
Why the Magpul over the factory stock?
Because those factory chassis stocks sport collapsible AR stocks. (where's the YUCK emoticon when you need it?) They are an uglied- up industrial/Steam-Punk looking contraption as supplied.
Is there generally any issues with mounting a scope far back?
As you found out with your rifle, with the scope mounted at the right height, the front bell hits the factory Picatinny rail. Sure, you can raise your scope by using higher rings. But why should you have to? Seems like somebody at Savage was in a hurry to produce a cool-looking rifle at a economy price.
I tried a PRS with an adaptor on my Mossy 308. WAY too long for me. I ended up throwing the adaptor into my spare parts box and mounting a Luth Stock on the carbine tube. Works WAY better for me.
That does look somewhat uncomfortable but if youre happy with it id take it out to the range and see what she does. Maybe you can get a different butt piece with a closer cheek piece
You stated that it's not a natural/comfortable position in order to get correct eye relief with the scope- so you really answered your question.

You always want to bring the scope to your eye- not the other way around. Unless you have an intermediate eye relief scope, that looks to be way too far forward for the average 3" or so needed for most scopes.

Bring the rifle up quickly and naturally to your shoulder and drop your cheek to the comb- you then bring the scope to the correct eye relief to your shooting position.

You never want to rely on muscle support for any aspect of shooting/trigger control. It's all about bone support, as muscles tire and cause trembling/inaccuracy.

Skip ahead to around 4:00, here:
"...I have to lean forward a little to get full eye relief..." Scope's not mounted correctly for you. You should be able to shoulder your rifle(no bipods involved) and have the full sight picture (the entire circle) without any kind of straining or moving your head in any direction. No dropping cheeks either.
I'd take that rail off too. It's too long.
Can't tell you because I can't see how much clearance you have,.

When you shoot there is going to be some whip on the gun and scope, and if its too close the scope will get it.

Higher rings can ensure that does not happen.

As for the LOP? Bench you can live with it. Not great.

More better to do your research and find out what works and or has the right amount of adjustment.
So I went and shot it for the first time. Man, what a fun gun. I didn't know what to expect with a .338 lm i was pretty nervous, but I got used to it pretty quick. The one thing that is kind of annoying is the bolt. It's not a very smooth action. I've heard that's a thing with savages. Maybe i'll look online at some lubricating techniques.

Anyway, yeah the stock is too long. It's usable, but I do not have full FOV on my scope if I don't lean in a little bit.

I've had my eye on the ESS chassis by MDT so I think that I will just switch to that and just soldier on until then. Shouldn't be too long.

Again thanks for the advice guys!
Maybe try the stock that came with it?

The coating on the bolt is probably what's sticky.

All my Savage actins came with the jeweled bolts, those are quite good.
Trying to wrap my head around paying the extra money for a 110 BA Stealth with a bare bones chassis, then tossing the chassis for a magpul stock, instead of just buying a Savage 112 Magnum Target or maybe a 110 FCP with HS Precision stock.

The magpul stocks are tacticool junk imho.
I don't think the prs is junk. I actually really like it, just wish I didn't need the special adapter which extends the length of it so much. But yeah i get what you mean.
So after reading a lot of good reviews about this stock, specifically on the savages, I bought an XLR stock. I haven't shot it yet but I really like it so far. Will let you know how it shoots.


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I don't see anything wrong. If you like it then that's what counts. I especially like the fact that barrels are easy to upgrade with the savage action. Looks like a Viper - Good choice.