Can they do this?


New member
I was watching Headline News and saw something I didn't even think was possible. Tell me if i'm seeing this correctly. As they're going to a commercial break, they mentioned the OK student CCW bill, saying they'd run the story after a break at 24 minutes past the hour. Simple, right? Not to be. They do a commercial, then Comcast comes in with one of their annoying ad segments. But it keeps going! The half hour rolls around, and the stories reset exactly to what they were an hour before! I've watched it go around and it's doing exactly the same line of news. The story on the OK bill was completely cut out and not a peep mentioned of it both times. Now i'm no conspiracy theorist, but this seems to me that either HN/CNN didn't want the story shown, or local Comcast didn't. Can they do this? I'm out in the PRK and I know this is anti 2A lunatic central, but can they really go that far? This can't be coincidence in my mind.
We sure would hate to have a truthful story get out! Kinda like that picture of Obama wearing a turban in 2006! Barely even seen that then it was gone!
As a Comcast customer I'll vote for Comcast making a bonehead mistake over some type of censorship. I'd be very surprised if anyone at Comcast has the brains for that type of plot.
What? You mean you expect CNN to report something other than the standard Iraq is a mess, the dollar is down, Britney Spears is pregnant again, guns are bad crap that they show everyday? There is a reason CNN is often referred to as the Communist News Network.
Now i'm no conspiracy theorist, but this seems to me that either HN/CNN didn't want the story shown, or local Comcast didn't.

Far more likely that it was a glitch in the equipment or programming schedule.