Can the main spring affect the 1100?

Basically it will not load the second shell out of the magazine. It load it onto the carrier, but I have to hit the carrier button to chamber it. New mag spring, new carrier, cleaned mag well etc. I heard about the possibility of the carrier latch being bent. There is a picture on the last page of the thread I referenced. The mainspring idea came as I told the smith all of this.
If it is feeding everything but the last round, why in the world would you think it is the action spring? The action spring doesn't know how many rounds are in the other end. It IS always not a bad idea to thoroughly clean the action spring and tube.
Does it do the same thing with heavier loads, like 1-1/4 ounce field loads? What do the gas piston and piston seal look like? You may have something unusual and quirky going on like barely enough gas pressure to get the bolt back and the round coming out of the magazine is hitting the carrier latch before the bolt is back there.
If it is working two out of three shots it's something strange. Have you cleaned around the interceptor latch good with RemOil or such and an old toothbrush? Is the interceptor latch loose from side to side?
At the risk of sounding pompous, I think I would look for a better 'smith. The action spring in the buttstock can cause a lot of problems in an 1100 if something isn't right, but this doesn't sound like one. And there is no adjustment to it, and it is the same spring in different gauges, and it is the same spring in an 11-87. Lots of people, if they don't know what is specifically wrong, will start throwing parts and money at the problem. Sometimes they get lucky on the first try, sometimes not. Some of these people call themselves gunsmiths, other call themselves mechanics. I call 'em parts changers.
A semi automatic shotgun isn't all that complicated. When one is messing up you need to understand how it is supposed to work, and then figure out what is it doing different, and you will know how to fix it. Most good gunsmiths have long since figured out how an 1100 works.
Good luck.
I did not read the other thread.
However, leave the action spring alone, unless you can establish it is worn out, then just replace it. There are no "adjustments" to it.
If the next shell is going out onto the carrier, but the carrier is not coming up, as if the gun were empty, that is but a few things. Either the magazine spring is weak, and not thrusting the shell back with enough force to push in the carrier locking piece, the carrier locking piece is bent or binding, or the carrier is bent or damaged at the spot where the locking piece holds it. If it works correctly until the last round, or last couple rounds, start with the magazine spring. Once weak, as the magazine is depleted, the spring is less compressed and getting weaker. Often it will then not throw the last round onto the carrier with sufficient force to trip the carrier lock.
This damaged or worn out spring, when removed and set next to the magazine tube will be very close to.the tube length. It should be several inches longer, at least.