can someone more computer savey verify this antihunting ??? is not a real news site. they regularly post such hoaxes. they used to have a disclaimer page claiming that they were a political satire site but have since removed it, making the page appear more legitamate than it really is. the quotes are from individuals that do not work for the USDOW, and the NRA petition does not exist. this is fake, feel free to breath easy.
I believe that is the same site claiming legal drinking age was being raised to 25 and elementary schools were being flooded with candy flavored meth.
Well, Just Maybe something to it, I just receiver an E-alert from Lt. Governor.

"I urge each of you to go to the polls Tuesday and vote YES on Initiative Measure No. 1 creating a State Constitutional Right to Hunt and Fish."
Tater, that Mississippi ammendment mirrors what a few other states have done. It is a means to head off attempts by anti-hunters (PETA) to sneak in new laws that would hinder the ability to hunt and fish. For example, there is one state where the anti-hunters got enough pull to ban dove hunting because they are "song birds".
Wow, seriously? What do they hope to gain by spreading demonstrable falsehoods? I don't get it. Just advertising revenue from people who only click once, ever - I suppose.
Who is mak'en stuff Up!

Initiative Measure No. 1
House Concurrent Resolution 30
This proposed constitutional
amendment establishes hunting,
fishing, and the harvesting of
wildlife, including by the use of
traditional methods, as a
constitutional right subject only to
such regulations and restrictions
that promote wildlife conservation
and management as the Legislature may
prescribe by general law.