Can someone explain...


hey everyone

can someone explain to me the point of the magazine on a nagant, from what I understand you load the rifle through the breech, so what purpose does the magazine have apart from unloading it. Is it because of the spring in the magazine well?
Hello, Hatecrew..Your post is a bit hazy..Are you refering to the magazine release button..that allows the magazine cover to swing open & down?
It provides a way of accesing said spring & also for cleaning.

The magazine on the Mosin Nagant is an internal magazine holding five rounds (much like the Springfield 1903). It was normally "speed loaded" via 5 round stripper clips. The plate on the bottom of the rifle permit you to quickly unload the rifle magazine and then you cycled the bolt only once to unload the chambered round. Without it, you would need to cycle the bolt 5 times to unload the rifle.
my take on this is he is mixing up a Mosin Nagant with something along the lines of a SVT, and wondering what the purpose of the external box magazine on a 5 shot bolt action rifle is.

And i would echo, the mosin has an internal magazine. its not detachable and you load it manually, round by round, from the top. Not as a box from the bottom.
The reason for the magazine extending from the rifle is because of the way it feeds from a straight line feed ramp as oposed to a stagerd mag design like many American hunting rifles that use a push system from a closed box magazine. You'd have to ask the designer of the rifle why he chose that system of feeding rounds. I would guess that it is so the rifle could be loaded quickly from a stripper clip.

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The Moisin - Nagant used rimmed cartridges..

due to occurrence of a rim hanging up on the next rim below it.
the top round is separated by a sliding interrupter on the left side, allowing the top round to smoothly feed into the chamber, when pushed by the bolt face.

Stripper clips ( "Chargers") are best used with the rifle.

The design is from the 1890's when the Krag-Jorgensen was standard for the US, some what a better rifle due to the inline mag, but split rear receiver required the forward mounted rear sight.

Google for the "Polar Bears" its the US army / Michigan National Guard unit that
was under British Army control after WWI ended and got involved in the Russian Red/White civil war in the Archangel area of Russia. The general opinion was while not a 03 oe 17, the MN was satisfactory.