Can people in the US on a work visa posess guns?

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I have two friends, both on temp work visas, who'd like to get arms. Both live in Minnesota where private sales are legal.

WHat are their options?

Oleg "peacemonger" Volk
For "normal" arms, it will depend wholly on state law. For Minnesota, says "A nonresident alien may not possess a firearm except to take game as a nonresident under the game laws." This then raises the question of what constitutes "resident" in Minnesota. (In NY, residency simply requires living there for 30 days.) Looks promising!

Federal law does not seem to have citizenship restrictions on any "normal" arms.
Legal aliens are allowed to buy, possess and carry (when CCW is applicable).

They only have to show proof of not being illegally in the US, of not having ever refused US citizenship and of having been domiciled in their respective state for over 30 days.

Quote me on that one.