Can Our Nation Survive? Can it be saved?

It's a good idea. Keep refining it and building support for it, eventually asking for general, then specific, commitments from various groups. It would be a great showing. Make sure the anti-gun judges are listed, too. They're the real traitors. Suggest YOU run for a directorship on the NRA's board, and build support here. When you get on, you have a voice and a vote.
Contact as many of your friends and acquaintances as you can. Ask them to also read that post. And after they've read it, post a response to it on that forum.

From there I can start developing an email contact list with the hope that "we" can marshall enough true patriotic americans who will do more than "talk the talk".

A massive display at the Washington Monument, conducted within the framework of the First Amendment and with a dignified approach may be to ONLY way to start the salvation of our nation. For far too long, we gunowners have "let someone else fight to protect our rights", and look what has happened.

If we don't organize now, move forward as one now, we can say....

Goodbye America.
Hello Amerika.

Nice thought , but you would all be arrested and put in jail or worse yet , you would be labeled militia terrorists and gunned down, since you were just a stones throw away from the White House.... We need a Revolution, but it is not forthcoming, I'm afraid.

The rally scheduled for 2 October was a total flop, and that was probably a great joy for the Anti's and the Statists.

The take over of the NRA from the inside might be a possibility, but court action might serve us better... they have the money to do it but don't seem inclined to breach that level of seriousness. It seems odd doesn't it that they can send out books from noted scholars that prove our point , but they can't take it upon their leadership to use these same legal scholars in support of a good court battle !?
We may have done too little, but I don't believe it's too late.

But, we need to have the same integrity at the ballot box that we have on TFL.

You can't expect change if you keep doing the same thing over and over.

If we continue to vote for the candidates chosen by the political parties who take away our rights, we will continue to lose our rights.

It IS as simple as it sounds. If 80 million gun owners left the two major parties, it would get everyone's attention - including the Justices of the Supreme Court.

But, rather than "just say, 'NO!'", we fragment our efforts over other issues which, by our actions and our votes, proves the Second Amendment is not as important to us as those distracting issues.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited October 08, 1999).]