Can of Worms Opened...20 GA fixed mod for turkey???


New member
I'm aware that this has been discussed, but I'm looking for folks who have EXPERIENCE turkey hunting with a 20 gauge fixed modified choke. I know there are a LOT of newer turmey loads that would possibly be able to fit the bill. My wife is planning on trying out turkey with me this year. She has a Rossi combo .223/20 gauge and she handles the 20 like a BOSS. Even with Magnum loads she doesn't flinch a bit. She's wanting to use it as her turkey gun (I'm looking at a Mossy 500,) and I know for her it'll be a 30 yd MAX turkey gun even with the right load. I'm fully aware of our need to pattern, pattern, and again PATTERN her gun with different loads, so I'm more or less looking for a good starting point as to ammo. I KNOW there are folks (few and far between) that have used a set-up like this so I'm not really wanting to debate about whether or not we should use it, but AGAIN I'm looking for the experienced guys to chime in about what works. Not trying to be an A-hole, just wanted to spare us all another useless argument between a lot of folks who haven't even tried this type of turkey set-up. Go!
i use a 12ga mag and still limit my shots to 35 yards with a imp-mod and full choke. with one of the new 20ga turkey loads and a mod choke i see no problem killing a turkey at 30 yards with a head-neck shot useing the shell that patterns best. i have a friend who uses a 410 shotgun for turkeys and shoots them very close,mostly under 20 yards. he is how ever a expert turkey caller. i don,t think he cares if he shoots one or not and the hunt and calling them close mean more to him. eastbank.
Try Winchester Long Beard and Hevi Shot turkey loads . I think they will give you the tightest pattern .
I've shot several turkeys with a Stevens 311 SxS 20ga I used to own. I hunted grouse a lot and turkey season was open at the same time. When I'd get into a flock of birds I'd sit and call. I killed every one I shot at and they were twenty-five yards or less. I never shot further, but I think they'd be just as dead out to 35 yards if they weren't moving when you shot. I don't remember the exact amount I shot with that gun, but it was probably half a dozen or so. It was choked IC&Mod. I'd let her use the gun if she wants. Just make sure you use the appropriate sized shot for the job. Nothing too small for effective kills. I always used #4 three inch shells for turkeys. They were ounce and an eighth.
It's very doable. I've taken several geese with a 20 gauge. Mossberg has several videos on Youtube of them downsizing from a 12 gauge to 20 for turkey hunting.
Even with an cylinder bore you should be able to hit Tutkeys at 25 meters using an 20 ga.

In fact since I have an 20 ga I find no use anymore of an 12 ga. The 20 ga certainly does all the 12 ga does.
Pattern your gun with the loads you intend to use and determine the lethal killing range. Don't guess; KNOW. Then just limit yourself to that range maximum. It ain't rocket science.

Thanks guys for the positive input. I realize it's by no means rocket science, but I'll readily admit I'm somewhat a novice in the shotgun world. I qualify yearly with a Remmy 870 for duty use and score highly using the supplied target rounds and tactical slugs. I'm a novice in the knowledge and application of loads (load sizing, difference in how all these different loads pattern, practical uses for different size and type of shot, etc.) I'm a natural with rifled weapons and have used them extensively for most of my life (learning with old iron sights first.) There's just something about shotguns that have a certain mystique and I am looking forward to learning everything I can.

There are guys of my acquaintance who are hunting with 20 ga guns and high tech "space shot"/hevishot/tungsten. Several of them bought the guns for their kids, and liked how light and portable they are, and tested until they discovered their load of choice. These guys cover a lot of ground over the course of a season, and the light guns appeal to them. I would expect they are shooting 20 ga turkey chokes, or std full at minimum.

There's a post regards a "20 ga and cylinder bore":eek::. Absolutely not. At least not for the rank and file. You will almost certainly "hit" the bird, but you may not kill it. Range estimation on a gobbler is difficult under many calling situations, and your "25 meter" shot may well be 35. Add foilage/vegetation to strip pellets from the thin pattern, an excited or inexperienced hunter, and you have all the ingredients for failure and a crippled bird.

Using the .410 falls into the stunt category. I understand eastbanks comments regards those of his acqaintance who are doing so, and I liken that to hunting Cape Buffalo with a bow or handgun (well, a gobbler won't kill you, granted). It can be done, but again not for the rank and file.
There was a video somewhere that a guy used a Smith and Wesson Governor or Taurus Judge in 410 to shoot a turkey. They were successful but I think the bird was shot at 2 yards.

I have a good friend who is an avid gobbler chaser, he went several years when he first started till he killed a bird. Odd circumstances though.

He shot the bird,and it flushed straight up, he shot at it again as it helicoptered up, likely missed. When the bird spiraled down to earth nearby, he fired and seemed certain he'd hit it again. Now he was out of shells......3 shell limit that state on shotguns. As he fumbled for more ammo, the bird drug off, and the setting was such that it crossed a property line where he was not allowed to hunt. Suburban just have to realize some folks have to hunt that way. He had to go on to work that PM, where he contacted the local Cons. Officer. The warden struck some type of agreement where Jim could attempt to recover the bird the next AM, but not carry a gun. So.... In an attempt to recover the stricken bird, but not carry a firearm onto property where he could not, he cut a heavy switch about the length of a pool cue. Danged if the next AM he didn't find that bird, run it down, and kill it with the pole. The bird and pole are up in his den.

But, I don't recomend a switch for hunting turkeys, nor .410, Taurus snake pistols, or open choked .20 ga's.
the friend who hunts turkeys with his 410 pump uses 11/16 oz 7.5 shot and shoots then in the head neck area, and that load will kill a turkey dead at 20 yards. i have hunted turkeys with him after he shot his and his calling is some thing to see. he knows what a great game bird they are will would not shoot unless he knew it would be a clean kill and i know he has let turkeys go that were not with in his self imposed kill zone. eastbank.