Can it get any more ridiculous?


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Judge Stuns Court by Whipping Out Knife in Front of Teen Defendant
Friday, July 25, 2008

A British judge trying a knife-crime case stunned the court by pulling out a blade.

Campaign groups blasted Judge Roger Connor after he brandished a knife in front of a teenage defendant charged with wounding someone with a blade.

The 16-year-old’s lawyer asked Connor if he was committing an offense — and was told it was acceptable because the blade was less than 3 inches long.

Connor got out the folding black-handled knife at Oxford Crown Court to show how it worked. The boy, who denies wounding with intent and assault, had admitted using a knife and claimed he needed only one hand to open it.

Connor asked: “It happens I have a folding knife in my pocket. You need two hands to open it, don’t you?”

Under English and Welsh law it is an offense to carry in public a blade longer than 3 inches without good reason.

Furious anti-knife crime campaigners called last night for the judge to be fired.

“He should lose his job. One teenager a week is being murdered on the streets of Britain and here he is brandishing a knife,” Lyn Costello, co-founder of the Mothers Against Murder and Aggression campaign group, said.

“Enough is enough – we need to get tough on knives in this country and our judges should be handing out tough sentences, not brandishing their own.”,2933,391241,00.html

This is absolutele hysteria. I am off to Scotland for my honeymoon on August 9th, and unfortunately my Benchmade 942 will not be making the trip with us. Funny thing is, the Benchmade has been around longer than the new wife!
I personally can't wait until the day that they ban cricket bats, large rocks, and sticks with sharp points. I wonder what the'll rally against then? Certainly not the root causes of crime.

I'll never figure out why some folks insist evil comes from inanimate objects.
Evil from inanimate objects

Is an old, and honored (?) tradition in English law, and on the continent as well. Its roots are twofold, the ancient human belief in the supernatural, and greed.

The ancient belief in the supernatural included the idea that there was a reason for everything (and random chance was not a valid reason), so man found "reasons" by believing in spirits. Spirits in living and non living things. Spirits that could work for good, or evil. As civilization advanced, the actions of these "spirits" became the will of the gods, and later, the will of God.

But the underlying belief that things which caused bad things to happen were "evil" persisted. And that is where greed comes in. The people must be protected from evil, so they must also be protected from evil things. Since it is the rulers job to protect their subjects, they would take the evil things away. And the rulers got wealthy (-ier) by doing it.

This was included in many early laws. If a man was killed by a wagon running over him, the wagon was "evil" (possibly possessed), and forfit to the Crown. The property of witches (after they were burned to death for the good of their immortal souls) went to the local rulers, with the witchhunters generally getting a share. Over and over again throughout history, the same general pattern is repeated. Something is declared bad or evil, or wrong or sinful (or whatever name is suitable at the time), and taken by the authorities, who do with it as they please. it is, after all, for our own good. Or today, it is "for the children".

We see the most modern decendants of this concept in current forfiture laws. Commit a crime, lose not just your liberty, but your property as well.

The principle that inanimate objects can be evil has remained for so long, because it is profitable for those in power, either in terms of actual monetary gain, or in terms of power and control over others. And it isn't likely to go away any time soon.
If the British are becoming this sissified I wonder why we don't just take them over and rule them. They sure don't seem capable of resisting it nor deserving of self rule anymore. They're not even fit to be called English anymore.
Take them over and rule them?

Sure, we could, but why would we want to?

And besides, just look at our current political setup, we are barely managing to rule ourselves, and given the apparant choices for the next election, it doesn't appear like it is going to get better!
If Obama wins....

the US will be just as sissified and sticks and rocks will be banned here right after he and his ilk take over America.
Acceptable spoils of war for me would be taking Nigella Lawson for myself, and maybe a Dunhill pipe or two and a few Holland and Hollands. :D
Oh, they're begging to get taken over by somebody who can provide them with the firm hand they need. My guess is, though, it's going to be their own homegrown Muslims. That should be amusing.
If someone tries to take them over....

Do you think they will ask US civilians for guns like they did in 1940?
Oh they are being taken ...

over already. Only it's from the rotten socialist core on out. When history looks back it will find they were their own worse enemy.