Can I use my guns for CAS?


New member
I'm interested in cowboy action shooting, there's a group near me, but I was wondering what I need?

I can do a workable outfit, but will need leather. (want to wait till I actually have guns to put in them)

I also have a Marlin 1894 in .44 mag that's my deer rifle, it has a scope on it, but I can pull that off no problem. Just wondering if this would be a legal gun to use?

I also have 2 1897 pumpguns, one was my great-grandad's and it's mid restoration now. But it's 16ga which is more expensive to shoot, and it's a family heirloom, so I'm not sure I'd want to use it.

Oh, could I shoot .44 special out of the Marlin?

The other is my grandfather's 12 ga and it's good to go. It'll work, but it's the really fancy finished version. Kinda like this one:


Would CAS mess up the finish of this gun??

Now I'd still need 2 pistols, which I don't have. Thinking Rugers, but depends on what I find in the used sections of my local shops.

So anyway what I really want to know is can I use the rifle and is the shotgun a good idea?
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Picture doesn't come up so I don't know how fancy your shotgun is. It will surely take use and wear at CAS but not abuse.

You can shoot .44 Special in your marlin if it will shoot .44 special. Some will, some won't.

Rugers are a good choice. Look for original Vaquero .44s for convenience in ammo.
Is there a way to tell if it will or won't, or should I just test it and see if it works??

As far as what caliber for the pistols...

Depends what I find, I'll keep the 44 in mind, but I may end up with 45 or 357, or some weird caliber I happen to find.
The best thing you can do is to attend a couple matches as a spectator. Talk to the Cowboys & Cowgirls there to find out what they are using, what catrgories they are shooting in. ASK QUESTIONS!!!!! You will find that everyone there will be friendly and answer all your questions. SOme will even insist that you try out a coupel stages using their guns.

CAS won't necessarily mess up the finish on any gun. It all depends on how you treat them. Use will cause wear.

With the Win 97s and Marlin 94 you have now; Picking up a pair of single actions in 44 Special or 44 Mag would be the logical step. Keeping your rifle and pistol ammo the same lessens the chance of foulups (don't ask me how I know).

A pair of used Vaqueros or Ubertis would be a good start for beginning six guns. You may decide to change guns/caliber/category after you've been shooting a while, so getting started as cheaply as possible will help.
No matter how careful you are CAS guns are prone to nicks and scratches. It is a game of speed after all and guns get dropped or knocked off props from time to time, jostled around in gun carts etc.
For people starting out they will let you shoot just about anything that is close and safe.
My first time I had two BP replica Colts, a Marlin lever action and an 870 shot gun.
People that run CAS events know how expensive a full setup can be and also know once you get started you’re hooked for life.
They were very nice to me and gave me a lot of help and advice. One man let me use his double action 12 gage so that I didn’t have to use the 870.
As far as 44 sp in a 44mag marlin,,, better have tools and know how to take one down. Mine throws a fit every time I have tried, I end up with two rounds coming out of the tube and its one B------- to clear.