Can I take my nephew to the range?


New member
I would like to take my nephew to shoot with my 10/22, but from what I'm aware from range rules, he has to be accompanied by his parent/legal guardian. Does that mean I have to drag my sister with us everytime we visit the range, or is there some kind of wavier she can sign once?
Ask the folks who run the range whether a waiver signed by your sister would be acceptable to them. You'll get a more useful answer from them than you will from us... ;)
Sounds like an indoor range?? How old is he? I try to avoid the public range when able. I know they have a rule of no one under 12 down range. Other than that as long as youths are with an adult all is O.K.. I've taken my son for years & nobody asks a bunch of questions.
His mother would need to sign a "hold harmless" agreement at the club I spend most of my ammo at. Once she did that for him/you. He would be fine accompanied by an adult. Once you sign the "hold harmless" agreement, your issued a card to identify you as "agreement on file" client.

Thats just how they do it at my club. It would work out great for you.
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I don't think there will any problem with you taking you STEPSON to the range.
If you are careful and responsible I doubt anyone will say anything, especially since he is 14.
At two ranges that I go to, they have the same general rules. I take my Grandsons with no problems. It's understood that I am the required responsible adult. For that period of time, I am considered his guardian. I also take them hunting to meet that requirement as well. As Vanya stated; ask the folks but remember that most of the time when you ask, you probably won't like the answer because they are then forced to fall back on their CYA program.

Be Safe !!!
I'm with Pahoo

Regarding my grandkids, regarding everything I've done with them, I'm considered their guardian.

As for the range, I have my own, but I'm a member of Other clubs through out the state, No one has questioned that I'm their guardian.

Only problem I ever had was at lander at a rifle match, my grandson asked if he wanted me to pick up my brass, I let him, the cleaned the range of all the brass. That didnt go over real well.
he cleaned the range of all the brass

Can I take him shooting with me?:D

To the OP, if you are casual and safe there prolly wont be any questions. I spose it depends on the kind of community you live in though.
The one time the matter has come up in my life, my best friends' son spent a week in the truck with me and a week at my home a few states away from his home. When we went shooting at the local public range, the Range Master, an off duty deputy, noticed that the kid addressed by my name, not Dad, and asked our relationship. The RM declared that I was "legal guardian pro tem" as the kid's parents had given him into my care for the trip. A valid legal opinion? Perhaps not, but it has never come back to bite anyone.
I take my little brother to the range and I'm not his legal guardian. I dont think anyone will ask, they will probably just assume he is your kid.
What kind of question is that?

Heck yeah!!!!,I make mine run out and change the targets,50 yards is way too far for me to walk in the hot sun:D:D:D

On the serious side,his father died when he was a year old.
He's been shooting with me since he was 8.
He got into when he was a cubscout.
Just started asking me about my guns one day and the rest is history[7 years now]
We now go thru about 1000 rounds of 22LR every outing.
I assured him when he turns 18 he gets his own rifle.

No one ever questions me,even though he's very Irish and I'm very Latino in appearance.
My how things have changed. When I was 18, I took my 13 year old cousin to the gun range. I was shooting a couple of S&W .38 specials and I believe my cousin was shooting his .22 Magnum.

If you looked respectable, acted respectable, and acted like you knew how to handle a firearm nobody cared.
The public range that my brother and I go to is owned by the county and ran by the Missouri Conservation Dept or Game Wardens. They ask if you have used the range before, including kids. If NO is the response they go through the rules and that is it. As long as your a responsible person, and keep the muzzle down range or in the rack and pick up your spent brass it's fine. Shoot they even come over and talk or give some pointers if needed.