Can I shoot the snake??


New member
I'm pretty much terrified of snakes. Not to the point where I'm paralyzed with fear, but I am pretty scared of them.

So naturally, I see one. THe other day, I'm biking along the local trail (The W&OD Trail for anyone who lives in Northern VA) and I see one stretched out along the bike path. :eek:

It was 6ft long and black. I've been informed that black snakes aren't venemous, at least here. However, there are bad ones here (Copperheads).

What should I do if I see one? The path is pretty well traveled. I mean, if it won't move and curls up into a defensive stance, what then? Honestly, my first impluse is to pretty much empty my magazines at it. But I'm not so sure the law would agree, ya know? If it were a bear, I'd let it go on its merry way, unless it charged.
Leave it alone

While I understand an irrational fear of snakes there is no point in killing it just because you don't like snakes. Besides, his larger brother from South America will hunt you down. :rolleyes:

Seriously, let it go. They eat of lot of much worse things. :barf:
If you shoot a snake and it's nonvenomous in most states you have commited a crime. That long black snake is an indego snake and if you shoot him it's a felony since he's on the protected species list. Unless the snake is threatening you just leave it alone. he doesn't want to hurt you and is more afraid of you than you are of him.
I don't kill non-poisionous snakes. But I am suprised that killing a non-endangered non-poisionous snake would be a crime. Got any cites on that?
I imagine discharging a gun on the W&OD Trail would result in a charge related to discharging a gun in city limits since that trail runs through mostly urban or suburban areas.

You're better off using your bike or a long stick to "prod" it and make it slither off. It was probably a black rat snake and pretty harmless.

I, too, live in Northern Virginia. The chances of encountering a venomous snake in along the W&OD trail are REMOTE. The only poisonous snakes that inhabit the area are copperheads, and they are the least dangerous -- and the most timid -- of American pit vipers. Further, that indigo snake (probably, and as already pointed out by another member) is a GOOD thing to have around, killing rodents (you’ve seen all those wild blackberries (etc.) along the trail . . . guess what they attract) and doing no real harm. In addition, again as already highlighted, discharging a firearm on the W&OD -- other than in extremis -- is almost certain to cause you a lot more troubles than any snake. Please leave it alone, pull up your legs, and move by.
I don't kill non-poisionous snakes. But I am suprised that killing a non-endangered non-poisionous snake would be a crime. Got any cites on that?

A nonvenomous snake is not a game animal. And it's not considered a pest or dangerous so therefore it's illegal in alot of states. I know in Ga it is just check out the dnr website of the state you live in.
I'd leave it alone. I like snakes, personally. I think that came from my dad, who used to enter in "snake bagging" competitions, poisonous and non-poisonous snakes. If he saw a snake on a road or bike trail, he would stop and set the snake on the side of the road.
Leave it alone - the circle of life and all that.

I ask our local snake guy, the one who gets the call to remove snakes from homes and such, to dump'em all at my range to combat the mice and other pests that get in my stuff.
I can't speak about Virginia's laws but in Missouri, it's only legal to kill wildlife during the specific season allotted for hunting that particular critter.There are some few exceptions ( English sparrows, starlings, wildlife destroying property, etc.) Self defense would be allowed but it would be hard to make that case for a black snake. That said, I've never heard of anyone actually being charged with killing a snake. I don't kill them. I've even done the "catch and release" thing when one becomes a nuisance....... Just makes my wife NUTS!
I admit I have a snake phobia as well. If its in my backyard, I might grab the machete and hack it up. I have a dog and don't want her getting bit when she goes out to take care of business. Knowing her, she would probably eat it! I've only shot a snake once. I happened to have my .22 in the car and some snake shot. My church was having VBS and some kids pointed it out in the grass. I had the teachers bring the kids in and popped it with the snake shot. It was red and black so I shot it to be safe. I forget what the color rule is for snakes. My rule is, if it slithers, its toast!
It doesn't get shot unless it bites you...although, I'll admit I've broken that one at least once. Snakes really will leave you alone if you don't mess with them. I even saw a buddy get away with stepping on a small rattler (on accident of course) without getting bitten.
If it is a posinous snake, and is actually a threat to you then by all means kill it.

If it is any kind of snake and it has bitten you, kill it and take it to the hospital with you so they can identify it.

If it is any kind of snake (poisonous or not) and it isn't an immediate threat to you, leave it alone or chase it away with a stick.

They eat vermin you know. :)
No apology necessary :) - I personally do not like snakes even a little bit. But then I am not particularly afraid of them if they are outside of strking distance either.

No phobias here, but I truly hate spiders. Those people that let tarantulas crawl on them are from an alternate universe from mine, several times removed. So I kind of know what you mean, sort of.

When it comes to snakes; hate them, fear them, be phobic of them, but if they aren't harming you, and will go eat a mouse or a rat ~ or hopefully a freakin tarantula ~ then more power to them and let em go....
Look him in the eye ,the rattlers and copperheads have pupils that are vertical slits the safe ones have a round pupil ! Get a snake book and learn about them. In NYS all snakes are protected.