Can I ship something HAZ-MAT?


Can a private individual(me) ship a Haz-Mat package? I bought some primers for my APS system on the PRO-2000 and the sent me 8000 extra primers..I ordered 5000 SPP and 2000 LPP and they sent 5000 SPP and 10000 LPP..

I was thinking about sending them back but if it's a hassle then I might just chalk this up to free primers..ya know? How often does that happen but I still feel a little greasy keeping them..

To be honest, I really don't need primers and bought these for the strips just in case ATK d/c's them one day..What's crazy is that people are buying these, popping out the primers and reselling the strips on eBay and elsewhere for .99/each therefore getting free primers and a profit of about 10 bucks..:eek:

Gotta love the USA...
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Contact the seller and see what they want to do. They may be able to
issue a return call tag. Their mistake, let them pay the freight.

Guessing that they will say "keep them"---
Yeah, I think that's best...I was thinking haz-mat was non-returnable due to requirements in regards to how to pack it etc..I will give them a shout today..Gracias!
Contact the shipper.

An Individual can not ship HAZMAT. There is a 49CFR certification required, and that requires training. If you break the regs and get reported, it is not fun. If it went airborne, you also have to deal with the FAA.

I have to take the 49CFR every three years and for HAZWOPER (Haz Mat waste and emergency response) I have to take the class every year.
Well...It looks like I got a great deal! I am thrilled..As it turns out, I can not ship these as I am not a certified Haz-Mat shipper. I guess you have to go to classes and get certified in how to pack this and place that..(didn't seem to hard when they packed it..) From what I understand, it could be accomplished but it's just not worth the trouble..Sweet!

I think what happened is that someone in the warehouse was not used to these small boxes of APS strips and the fact that each holds 5 more individual 1000 boxes.. They packed 1 box box of CCI 500 and two boxes of CCI 300..Technically, that's correct as the packing slip calls for 1 and 2..So that's what they gave me 3 boxes total..Unfortunately for them, they were supposed to open one of the CCI 300 boxes and only ship 2 of the individual boxes inside for a total of 1 5000 box and 2 1000 boxes but instead, I now have 8000 free primers..
Your karma is safe. Stuff happens. Enjoy your extra 8K primers.

Keep the universe in balance and pay it forward some day - maybe the next time you're in a fast food line ;)
Thnaks for the info guys and the Krama boost..I did feel kinda bad but it's from a BIG store and they are not going out of business over this mistake..They kinda acted like I was nuts for offering to ship it back..Time to start handing out some free targets at the range...
I ordered 300 bullets from midway, 90gr 9mm's. each bulk box was supposed to be 100. not sure if they didn't take into account the small size of the bullet or what, but each plastic box was stuffed til it was bowing out. 1100 or so in those little boxes, 3-400 in each. the bullets were on clearance, maybe they just didn't care and wanted them gone, not sure. they'll get my money eventually, if not already just from inflated shipping costs
I use the strip system also , but I load my own.

Nice deal, and at the price of primers today ,a dang good deal.
