Can I legally own a pistol at 18 in north carolina?


New member
Hello, Iam new to TFL and i am in need of help. Does anyone know if in north carolina,at 18 can own a handgun. Not a carry weapon, more of a "live in my nightstand" type of deal. Please comment and help me out.
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click on NC for some great info

NC honors many CCW permits from other states(as an example: if someone with a permit to carry a concealed weapon is visiting from virginia). it says you must be 21. it doesn't say you must be 21 to own a gun though. I am only guessing, but I am thinking you can purchase a firearm at 18. You aren't looking to carry, so you should be ok. Call the gunshop tomorrow or police dept(you could actually call them right now).
federal law says 21 to purchase a handgun from a dealer/ffl. You may be able to buy a handgun from a friend, NOT A STRAW PURCHASE THOUGH!. Dont send a friend into the gunshop for you, or you could both go to jail. May be best to wait until you are 21, buy a shotgun for home defense for now, 20 Ga, or 410 with buckshot :D
good luck

If I am understanding war elephant correctly(and I have heard of this before with military youngsters as an example), you can legally own a handgun at 18 in NC. You just can't buy one from a gun dealer or establishment that sells guns. You can however(if all this is true) purchase a firearm from a friend.

Sort of like a car: write up a bill of sale that you both sign, save the original, and give your friend a copy if he wants one. Make sure to put the bill of sale in a safe place to store for at least some years. Bear in mind the bill of sale is technically not necessary, but I always recommend having one.

And no, don't try to have a friend buy you a weapon at a store or buy one for himself that you later buy. You shouldn't own a weapon if you do something so foolish(willingly commit a felony via a "straw purchase"). The only other issue is where you live and/or who owns the dwelling.

You need to double check and triple check to make sure this is legal in NC. If it is you are absolutely legal and legit if you follow these easy criteria + keep your firearm at home(exception: to and from the range in your personal vehicle unloaded and secured). It may seem like some pointless 'hoop jumping', but people buy guns from their buddies all the time. Personally, I have chosen delibertaely to buy every one of my firearms from a dealer. If I was 18, I would do it this way in a heartbeat though.

PS- buy a stainless steel revolver(just kidding: buy whatever semi, revolver, rifle, or shotgun you like)
Funny you should say that youngguns4life. I am actually looking very hard for a taurus model 82, i am a fan of the 38 +p. And war elephant i have a mosin 91/30 and a maverick model 88 (12gauge 24inch barrel), but i fear that the 12gauge is a tad too bulky for home defense.
I dont know about a 20 gauge... i just dont like them. I got on the horn with the sherriff's office and they are saying i cannot buy a handgun but to be sure to look up the laws on my own. :mad:
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I understand that a 20gauge would do the trick but i would prefer a single projectile, even though the spread parrern would be a small with 20 gauge 00 buck i jist prefer .38 +p
Hmm.... to be honest i didn't give the 20 gauge a second thought. But i do know they make 20gauge slugs. But i could just as easily cut my barrel down to 18 inches and use slugs. IF i really felt comfortable with that i would do that. But i am uncomfortable doing that. Does anyone know if federal law preempts state law always or only sometimes?

I called ATF and they cleared me to own a firearm, with limited use (cannot conceal, only allowed to carry to and from the range or hunting) so long as the handgun is gifted to me from a parent and i must have a paper saying that it was a gift. Thankyou to 300wetherby, war elephant and youngunsforever. All of you were very helpful
Keep in mind that just because the ATF says you can own a handgun doesn't make it true. While no Federal law prevents you from making a private purchase or owning one, there may be a state law that does so. Remember, Federal law only supersedes state law when the state law is the less restrictive.
ben towe, I understand what you are saying. Sometimes fed law trumps state law even when state law is more restrictive though.

one example:
a LEO being able to CCW in IL even though the state forbids CCW
You need a pistol permit to buy or transferr a pistol. From NRA-ILA site

A license or permit must be obtained to purchase, sell, give away, transfer, inherit, or receive a handgun by applying to the county sheriff in which the purchase is to be made or where the receiver resides. A purchase permit is good for five years from the date of issue.

Call your local sheriff office to see if he will give you one if you are under 21.
You will not be able to buy from store but could receive one as a gift or in a friend to friend purchase if you can get the permit.
thankyou for the additional information. i will be going to the sherriffs office to ask more questions tomorrow hopefully tomorrow. i am hoping that after hearing the jist of my talk with the nice people of ATF the sherriff shall give me the propper permit
As brickeyee pointed out, you cannot purchase ammunition for handguns until the age of 21, even tho you may own one. Just FYI