Can I give a gun to a Md resident?

According to Federal law, you may give a handgun to a friend in another state as long as he is not prohibited from owning a handgun in his home state and you use an FFL to transfer the pistol from you to him.

I think Maryland has some funky laws that may be more strict than federal law, so be careful.

Check out for more information.

Hope this helps.

Ok as I understand you will have to get the gun transferd through an FFL maryland has a 7 day waiting period and he has to have completed his saftey course thing...Also I think he has to register the gun with maryland.

I am going to ask this question to those who are more in the "know" then I.
"for a handgun you must go via an FFL in the home state of the new owner."

Actually this applies to ANY firearm...