Can I get an update on gun laws in WI


Hello, for those that know in WI, can I get some highlights. May have an offer on a job in WI. We live in MA and we have a license to carry (ccw). We can carry except in bars/food if there is alcohol, sporting events, school grounds, college grounds, courts, as some major examples. MA changed in 1998 and now can't get new handguns over 10 rounds or new long guns over 10 rounds. No limit on amount you can buy, can only sell four a year to individuals. No purchase waiting period. Nobody can own a long gun without an ID card, and nobody can own a handgun without the handgun license. State issued but determined by police department in your town. New people have to take a state approved class. Licenses are $100 for 6 years. Pepper spray requires a non-fee permit from the police department at this time.

I know IL and WI do not have ccw. Can I get some up to date background on requirements in WI. I did take a look at some postings on success or not of actually carrying open in WI.

Any limit on what can be brought into WI? What licensing needed, and if so the general procedure?

The chance may be to work around Beloit WI. Thanks for any direct updates, while I try to read up on some things myself.

call the cops

I would call the state police in wischeesehead,and ask the experts get the name, date ,department video tape the conversation,as evidence in a leagle conflict,I called the mich state police a few years back,and they told me to leave my guns at home,in my state,ha ha funny as a porky pig cop,they even later pulled me over ,a routine check for outa state plates,i refused a search based on thier lack of probobable cause,it was sunday night,and i told them to wake up the judge and get a warrant,if theyd like to search,they only told me theyd be watching me:cool:
Thank you Andrew. I will stop in if I take another trip to WI depending on how seriously I weigh the job offer.

For more on MA as a comparison. Ammo can't be bought unless you have either the long gun or handgun license. MA does not reciprocate with any state on CCW. MA will give out a CCW if you are out of state, is more expensive and goes through the state police. There is no open carry. New handguns are off an approved roster with extra "safety" features. All sales through dealers or private include a form. When the federal assault weapons ban faded, MA passed their own. Can buy black riflles but not with the listed features.

You will find the people with the links and answers here. We are pretty liberal on what you can buy and own and if you play the silly games open carry is an option. You cannot open carry while you are driving, the gun has to be stowed and then at your destination taken out and belted back on. No carry within 1,000' of a K-12 school, little things like that. If you aren't a member of Open Carry it might not be a bad idea to check them out for a lot of good information in other states Canada and England.
Old Grump, thank you. I will look more into Open Carry, I saw it briefly last night. I had come across Wisconsin Carry.

Seems complicated with the 1000 foot rule. So if you are walking and you come across a school, you have to detour?

Thanks. I'll read up some more.

I have an interview coming up in PA shortly and I will be checking on PA rules more too.

andrewstorm said:
I would call the state police in wischeesehead,and ask the experts

You do realize that you are advising him to take two separate actions.... the police are in no way experts on what the law is or isn't.
Seems complicated with the 1000 foot rule. So if you are walking and you come across a school, you have to detour?

I know in Georgia, if you are carrying, you make break the school zone law only if you are passing through and on the way home. You can not go pick up your child from school with a weapon in the car, etc. Only if the road traveling on happens to run through the 'no carry radius'. Don't ask me how they can state where you were going, but thats the rule
cannonfire said:
I know in Georgia, if you are carrying, you make break the school zone law only if you are passing through and on the way home. You can not go pick up your child from school with a weapon in the car, etc. Only if the road traveling on happens to run through the 'no carry radius'. Don't ask me how they can state where you were going, but thats the rule.

1. It would appear as if the OP was asking about WI, not GA.

2. Someone misinformed you regarding GA statutes.

16-11-127.1. Carrying weapons within
school safety zones, at school functions, or
on school property

(b) Except as otherwise provided in sub-section
(c) of this Code section, it shall be unlawful
for any person to carry to or to possess or have
under such person's control while within a
school safety zone or at a school building,
school function, or school property or on a bus
or other transportation furnished by the school
any weapon or explosive compound....

(c) The provisions of this Code section shall
not apply to:

(7) A person who is licensed in accordance
with Code Section 16-11-129 or issued a permit
pursuant to Code Section 43-38-10, when such
person carries or picks up a student at a school
, school function, or school property or
on a bus
or other transportation furnished by the
school or any weapon legally kept within a
vehicle in transit through a designated school
zone by any person other than a student; [or]

(8) A weapon which is in a locked compartment
of a motor vehicle or one which is in a
locked container in or a locked firearms rack
which is on a motor vehicle which is being used
by an adult over 21 years of age to bring to or
pick up a student at a school building, school
function, or school property or on a bus or other
transportation furnished by the school, or when
such vehicle is used to transport someone to an
activity being conducted on school property
which has been authorized by a duly authorized
official of the school; provided, however, that this
exception shall not apply to a student attending
such school;
I understand it was about WI, not GA.. but he seemed confused about that so I was stating what it was in GA just so it didnt sound so ridiculous about staying outside of the school zone. But I must have been misinformed about carrying, I honestly thought you could only have it in possession if driving through... good to know that I was wrong :p... Thanks for informing me!
Don'r forget the federal GFSZA, 18 USC 922(q), that applies to all states. Some states may have enacted a state-level GFSZ law that may have dissimilarities with the federal version; in that event, the more restrictive law would take precedence.
Thank you Krazyhorse. I have some websites that I pay attention to, I will check out this website. I have not paid as much attention to some of these that focus on open carry or some areas that may have been covered in some of my existing websites.

Good information. Thanks.

DON H said:
Don'r forget the federal GFSZA, 18 USC 922(q), that applies to all states. Some states may have enacted a state-level GFSZ law that may have dissimilarities with the federal version; in that event, the more restrictive law would take precedence.

However, do not forget that persons licensed to carry handguns by the state the school zone is located in are exempt from the Federal law:

(A) It shall be unlawful for any individual knowingly to possess a firearm that has moved in or that otherwise affects interstate or foreign commerce at a place that the individual knows, or has reasonable cause to believe, is a school zone.

(B) Subparagraph (A) does not apply to the possession of a firearm—

(i) on private property not part of school grounds; [or]

(ii) if the individual possessing the firearm is licensed to do so by the State in which the school zone is located or a political subdivision of the State, and the law of the State or political subdivision requires that, before an individual obtains such a license, the law enforcement authorities of the State or political subdivision verify that the individual is qualified under law to receive the license;
Thanks, in MA there is no distance limit on schools, just can't carry on school property.

I'll read some more on the WI gun groups.
