Can I do This


New member
My buddy is getting ready to retire. He wants to move so he wants to sell off a large number of guns. One lot is 15 excellant Persian Mausers. Can I book them in then sell them to other C+R holders as long as I don't make any money?
A C&R holder is allowed to sell off firearms to improve his collection, that is, he can buy several of a model and sell the less desireable ones. The collector can even make a profit on a sale; for example, an SKS bought 10 years ago could legally be sold today at today's market value. The thing is, you can't sell so many guns that it looks to the BATF like you're operating as a dealer. State and local laws also apply.

There is information on the sale of firearms by an 03FFL on the first few pages of the brown Firearms: Curios or Relics list that you should have received when you got your license.
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Fifteen might be enough to raise eyebrows. You could certainly pick the one or two best for your collection, sell a few, and use the remainder as trading fodder, and I don't think it would raise many eyebrows.
I don't believe the issue is whether or not you make money, but whether or not you're engaging in the business of buying an selling guns. You're suggesting moving 15 guns through your license - guns in which you've (at least here) expressed no personal interest in, or history of collecting, and I think that puts this outside the purpose of the C&R license.

OTOH, you could acquire them as an established collection, then some "reasonable" time later, decide it's not what your interested in collecting.

Given today's political climate, it's not a situation I'd want to put to the test.

All the best,
AFAIK, there has never been any question about what you can sell to other licensees, as long as you record the sales. The question comes in when a C&R license holder sells to non-licensees; that is when a quantity sale would involve questions of dealing.

The whole purpose of the collectors license is to allow licensed collectors to buy, sell, and trade among themselves in interstate commerce without having to go through dealers. The only problem could be sales within states that do not recognize a collectors license; then licensees would have to conform to the same laws as non-licensees.

Here's how I would do it. He doesn't need a license to sell or ship rifles to out-of-state C&R licensees himself. Offer the "broker" the sale by helping him find potential buyers, check over the paperwork, make sure any applicable state laws are satisfied, etc.
garryc, carguychris made a great suggestion.

Why don't you broker one of those Persian babies on over to me--I don't mind accepting a rifle from a non C&R holder! :D