Can I bring my guns if I move to Canada?

If you do the proper paperwork, you can bring anything that is legal to own in Canada.

Pistols are severely restricted. Anything with a short barrel or low caliber has a very good chance of being on the "prohibited" list. Go to the RCMP link and look for "prohibited" firearms. It is a long list. There is another list that has true low caliber target pistols that are "exempt" from the general prohibitions.

Long before you leave the US start the process to obtain your PAL. The PAL will allow you to bring you pistols into Canada, and also is your ID when you purchase ammo (or new to you firearms)

The long gun registration is gone, but you will still need to declare any long gun you bring with you. Be VERY careful following their firearms laws. They take them very $50K and 5 years for illegal possession.
A few things you will need to consider:

  • In order to obtain your PAL, you will need to go through a government-sanctioned Firearms Safety Course. There are two courses: a non-restricted and a restricted. Non-restricted is for long guns and restricted is for, well, handguns and mainly short firearms.
  • The courses are run mainly by shooting clubs and such. So you'll have to find one that meets your schedule. Once you take the course(s), the examiner sends in the results, and you'll have to wait 2-3 weeks to get the official certificate back. AFTER that you will need to send in your application, which can take up to 45 days to process.
  • Be aware that we have some weapons that are considered "prohibited" that you will unlikely be able to get a permit for as these permits aren't issued but grandfathered.
  • While, so long as you have the proper PAL to bring firearms into Canada (see next point), you WILL need an export permit from the US (ATF) to legally remove your firearms permanently from the US. The US will issue an exportation permit ONE time only for free; after that it is quite expensive. You will need to contact ATF for details on this.
  • If you do import your resticted (handguns) into Canada, you will need to contact the Firearms office to get an ATT (Authorization to Transport) to bring them from the border to your residence. Any time a restricted firearm leaves your residence you need an ATT. If you join a gun club they will pull a standing ATT for you to attend the club (and other sanctioned clubs),
^ It is what it is. Without getting into a huge political debate, it all boils down to the fact that the right to bear arms isn't protected under Canada's version of a Constitution. It's considered a privilege just like a driver's license.

Doesn't mean that I agree with the laws (they have their upsides and downsides), I'm just providing information, that's all.

What surprised me was that (under the assumption that you have the appropriate licenses (I have my PAL and RPAL)) it is relatively easy to import a firearm into Canada, but the technical hitch is exporting them from the US. I looked into it in the event I inherit some handguns from a family member residing in the US. (I do hold US citizenship. )
I tried transporting a gun a crossed Canada once when I was going to Alaska. I studied all the laws and went through all the "legal" and technical motions the papers, declaring them, etc. They just had me pull into a booth and treated me like garbage then told me they did not want me in their country.

So it might be "legal" but.. good luck.
What countries would let me bring my guns if i move there?

Depending on what type of guns, many countries will let you bring your guns into the country. Now, that said, you will have more hoops to go through. Some include having to join a local gun club, pass various tests, including possible mental evaluations, etc.

Many of the countries to our south will let you. A few in the Caribbean will as well. Many of the Euro zone will also, as well as New Zealand