Can anyone tell me why....


New member
I was clicking through the channels and saw that scum bag Travolta was starring in another military type film. Why do the Hollywood elite Socialists insist on playing roles that they don't in real life believe in? Eg. Ted Danson and Tom Hanks in SPR, Woody "HempHead" Harrelson and Travolta and Nick Nolte in The Thin Red Line. Same goes for Oliver Stone in direction of these types of films. What gives? I heard on G.Gordon Liddy's radio program that one of the major women's mags that Hanoi Jane is being honored for her contributions to humanity. What the f**** is going on?!!?
A paycheck of several million dollars has a way of making actors put their personal beliefs aside. Besides their job is to pretend to be something they really aren't. What do they care if they "kill" 50 people in some movie? It pays good.
Damn straight.

Regardless of ideals when somebody flutters 30 million more dollars in front of your face, (more meaning above and beyond what you ALREADY have) you're willing to abandon what you beleive in for the cash. To bad the media doesnt care about such hypocrits.

Aside from money, plain people sell well because that's what most movie-goers can identify with.
Could it also be that many of these actors who consider firearms and the military atrocious are playing these roles to try and back up their beliefs. Example, an actor who despises firearms will accept a role in which he uses a firearm to kill several people, thereby backing up his beliefs that guns are evil.

To h**l with all those backwards Hollywood freaks.
