Can anyone name the sizes from .22LR to .50cal????


New member
I'm looking to increase my ammo knowledge and I've looked everywhere for pics comparing caliber sizes, but with no luck.

So could someone please list from smallest to biggest of any ammo that can be fired from a rifle?

Feel free to comment on any of them or name a gun or whatever as an example for them. Thanks!
You need to get a copy of "Cartridges of the World" by Frank Barnes. This is a great reference to almost all cartridges ever used in rifles and handguns. carries it.
The NRA site might have some info. Your public library might have some gun books. One book of value is Phil Sharpe's "Complete Guide to Handloading"; the first edition came out in 1937, with 2nd & 3rd Ed in 1941 and 1949, repsectively.

Not trying to be smartmouth, but it's called "homework". As in school. Many of us here can rattle off maybe a hundred cartridges. Who has all night?

Many gun stores have cartridge displays and pictures of ammo offered by the various manufacturers. Just wandering through, looking, can be a learning experience.

Take a look at the reloading handbooks. They'll cover a tremendous number of cartridges, although not many of the popular stuff from the late 1800s...

Have fun!

I understand what you're saying Art, and thanks to both of ya'll for the references.

Just to let you know though that I'm not some info moocher that expects everybody to do the work for me...

I've been looking for all this stuff for the past 3 days seeing as how the internet is supposed to be the "new" reference master.
So much for that theory. :)

Thanks guys... I guess I'm off to handle those binded paper things, I think they call them "books." I've heard that you can't post messages on them like we do on here. Strange huh? :)

Ditto Mal H., a "must have" any gun nut can enjoy. -- Kernel
To make a correction - it starts at .17 not .22... :D

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
As mentioned, get "Cartridges of the World" or if you can't wait more than a day, a reloading handbook from a gun store or gun show, but generally, the actual calibers/diameters of the most popular cartridges are as follows:

1) .17 (or is it .177?)
2) .224 ("22 cal")
3) .243/6mm
4) .257 ("25 cal")
5) .264/6.5mm
6) .277 ("270" sometimes)
7) .284/7mm ("7mm" or "280")
8) .308/7.62mm ("30 cal")
9) .323/8mm
10) .338 ("340" sometimes)
11) .358?
12) .375
13) .416
14) .458
then some rarer ones, like Nitros or BMG
15) .477
16) .500
and even bigger up to .700, I think.

and possibly a few others in between also, like .311/.312. These are just the diameters. There are several to many cartridges with each diameter, esp. 22, 7mm, and 30. I recommend Lyman's 47th Reloading manual for good all-around manual. A rough guess of the popularity of particular diameters might go like this, using the numbers assigned above, from most to least popular (based on # of rifles owned/sold, not just on # of cartridges in a caliber): 8, 7, 2, 4, 3, 6, 10, 5, 9, 12,

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited January 13, 2000).]
Actually, gang, there's some guys out there messing around with .14's and .12's! Small Caliber News runs articles on 'em...

The Bill of Rights, and the Golden Rule are enough for civilized behavior. The rest is window dressing. Shoot carefully, swifter...
Another neat question. Do you mean by actual caliber or by name? Example:
.30-30, .30-'06, .308 Winchester (aka 7.62 NATO, .30 Carbine, .30-40 Krag, etc., etc.
all have the same actual bullet diameter, .308. But except for the .308/7.62 Nato, they are not identical and not interchangeable.

I'm wondering more on the actual size of the whole cartridge and the punch it packs. As for the name whatever is the most common I suppose... like I said I don't know a whole lot of detail on the subject... guess I'll have to go buy the books. :) Thanks man!