can a SxS be hot reblued without losing regulation?


New member
OK, here's the story...

Went into one of the local sporting goods stores Saturday evening, wife and father-in-law in tow. I had no ulterior motive, I swear! I was just passing time by looking at guns! Anyway, the wife found a Stevens 311 in 12 gauge, and fell for it. It has been engraved (quite tastefully) around the chambers, with full coverage and a pair of ducks on the receiver. Very blonde wood, with some horribly overdone checkering, which was the first thing that caught her attention. The wood, not the checkering. Anyway, the receiver has turned a plum color, and the barrels need to be reblued. It will also have to get some new wood before I'll accept it ;) So on to the question - can the barrels be hot blued without coming apart or losing regulation? Or am I just going to have to use cold blue and pray it matches? Can the receiver be blued to match the barrels? I'm worried about the inlays coming off or something.

Right now, I'm just in a state of shock. I wouldn't have bought it, myself, but when was the last time YOU told your wife she couldn't buy a gun?

Yeah, me neither. She wanted it, now it's hers, and by God, it's gonna be pretty before I'm done with it!

Hmm, she likes blonde wood...Myrtlewood or maple? Any other suggestions?
Hot tank bluing will attack the soldering...rust bluing is the way to go, but double check with George Stringer in the Smithy section.

Rust Blue BTW is the prettiest of all blues in my humble opinion