Can a staked rear sight still be adjusted?


New member
I picked up a surplus Bulgarian Makarov to add to the cold-war/commie gun section of the collection a couple of weeks ago. It looks and shoots great but at 25 feet, it's already 2 1/2" left, and 2" high of my point of aim.

The rear sight is dovetailed and staked. Any chance of knocking it to the right a bit with it staked or do I just live with it?
A light stake should be able to just hammer it through.A really heavy stake may hae to be drilled out.
Use a large brass punch and try giving it a couple of light raps with about a 4 oz. ball pein hammer.

When you state "right", I take it you mean right as when looking from the rear of the gun? If so, the sight gets looser in that direction, so take it easy with it.
The idea of staking is that the sight not be able to move. You'll need to get past that. Held firmly in a vise and whacked with the brass punch and a light plastic mallet might work. If it doesn't the stake peen will have to come off, the sight moved and re-staked.
Thanks for the replies!

The "staking" appears to have been done with something closer to a chisel than a punch. It's a lot bigger and deeper than the centering marks I've seen on other guns. I'll give it a few whacks and see what happens.
You might want to have someone else shoot it and see if its just the way you use the sights.

If you can't drift it at all, and don't want to remove the staking, you could also CAREFULLY file the rear notch opening, but that is a trial and error process and its easy to go too far.

Check and see if you can get a replacement rear sight, just in case..

Good Luck.