Campus Carry bill in OK....and hit a poll

Do you think Oklahoma college students should have the right to carried concealed weapons on campus?
Yes No

Thank you for participating in our poll. Here are the results so far.
Yes 50%
No 50%
Wow, there's a lot of misinformation running around in people's minds.

Many posted about the 'crossfire' concern, and whether police would be confused as to who was the shooter or the CC permit holder.

They're worried about something that hasn't happened yet, but they make it real in their minds like it already has.
The sheep will always come up with a reason to not allow anyone to own a firearm. You're just seeing that with the ridiculous opinions against allowing concealed carry in the killing zones IMHO.
They're worried about something that hasn't happened yet, but they make it real in their minds like it already has.

This is where gun and non-gun folks parallel each other very closely. We have concerns the other side does not recognize as being valid and we each consider the other side to be morons for their views. Each side has beliefs that border or cross over into being religious as they are often composed of a faith-based segment.
just voted.

we are winning 51% to 49%

I know that Utah has a concealed carry law for their universities and such (only state in the nation to have such a law).

I think it would be a good thing to carry to college. When i went to college I always had some form of prtective weapon (mace, asp, knife), but I always wanted to carry. on a few rare occasions I did on accident (just so ingrained) and when i realized the mistake I politely went to my car after classes and put the gun in the car and continued on my way. I always wonder just how many lives could have been saved at VT or the latest illinois shooting if someone had been carrying.

The wacko's nowdays realize it is like shooting fish in a barrel at a college campus. They realize that if they were to go on a rampage at a gun store or a calbelas or bass pro, they would probably be shot within a few seconds of opening fire because a lot of the folks there are carrying a gun.

just goes to show you that if you take guns away from honest people (bar them from carrying no campus) , it is always the honest people that get hurt.
Each side has beliefs that border or cross over into being religious as they are often composed of a faith-based segment.

I've wondered about that same process which I will call "eye opening" for the sake of discussion for years whenever I see a pro and an anti arguing. I recall in the early 60's when my father (in a move very much like Condi Rice's father and for the same reasons...the powers-that-be couldn't/wouldn't protect him) bought his first pistol. He went from hard anti RKBA to soft pro RKBA, very much like a religious conversion when his family was threatened. Much the same happened to me in the mid 70's for much the same reason and from time to time I miss the "old time religion" of faith in the goodness of one's fellow man and wish that people were really like that.

I view the pro-RKBA stance as being more agnostic or skeptic than religious per se, though agnosticism and skepticism are by rights religious viewpoints.

You will recall Heinlein discussed much the same process in "If This Goes On" and described the ethics of an hypnotic plea for change versus appealing to people's sense of logic and right. I'd think the mainstream "anti-RKBA religion to be one of hypnotic persuasion in a way.
The trooper in that story dont sound very smart!
"You wouldn't know who the players are," he said. Because weapons now are banned, he said, police can tell if someone comes onto campus "with a gun for evil purposes
#1. The bad player would be on the ground dead!:)
#2. Never work before with people bringing guns on campus for evil before!:confused: