Camps in Nevada?


New member
This falls along somewhat with the other thread concerning "assasins" but I want to be very clear stating that this is rumor only.

A lady I know (who does not care either way about gun control) was checking out at a local store and overheard someone talking about concentration camps that were being built in Nevada for Christians. She would have blown it off thinking the guy was a nut, but he happened to be a priest.

I am not trying to start another thread like the "assasin" one and I will not be offended if this is locked right away. Again, this is rumor only.
Back in December there was a similar thread.

There is a website out there by some nutbar who "documented" secret conc. camps....he even pointed some out. Problem is the ones he pointed out in Calif were honor ranches and youth authority camps. All known, all visible and all before my 32 yrs.

Think about it in a practical sense...lock up the Christians???!!! If you are inclined to think they are that dangerous, the smart move is to kill them off, cuz you'd be in a world of hurt leaving them alive. They sure ain't gonna do you any good or cooperate after you've messed with them ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Actually the helicopters are very dark green. A buddy of mine who works for the Border Patrol says they work with them periodically. They use the military aircraft for their Night Vision and FLIR equipment as well as their B.O. (Black Out, not Body Odor) Light capability. He says that they're not particularly successful, but they do scare the piss out of the local ranchers who talk about "Black helicopters."

There's supposed to be a bunch of those camps within an hour of LA, so maybe I'll check some of the locations and report back. If I'm lucky, they'll turn out to be nudist camps. :D
Back when I was of value, we used the term "black light" to mean the ultraviolet light in bars that made white shirts (and certain undergarments) glow in the dark.
Would you explain to us lowly civilians what "Black Out" light means? (It's not FLIR, is it?)
Black Out light capability is simply the capability of turning off all visible light. Usually this also turns on lights that can be seen with Night Vision equipment, but not with the naked eye.

I've never actually had the opportunity to examine these on helo's, but on our HUMMWV's they were dim lights under a thick purplish lens. If it was very dark, you could just barely see them, assuming you didn't look directly at them (rods and cones).
Thanks! In my day we put little "venetian blind" things over the headlights. Of course we drove into a lot of ditches too. (sigh)
We always had a ground guide when we ran BO light or in tactical mode. Ground guides are some poor schmo (usually Pvt.), on foot, walking about 15 feet in front of the vehicle. The technique was designed so that the ground guide ran into things before the vehicle did (like ditches) and the vehicle was moving no faster than the troops.