Campaign finance reform???

glock glockler

New member
Ok, right now corporations are donating huge sums of money to certain politicians who they essentially own. How do we fix this?

McCain's approach seems like its all hype and no thunder, and I havent heard much from others. What do you think of the European method for campaigns? Limit each politician to a certain amount of time in which they are allowed to campaign and a certain amount of money, so that giant war chests will have no purpose and the Red Chinese will not be able to buy who they want elected.

Your thoughts?
I think incumbents would have an unfair advantage if they limited time and money. Possibly disadvantage if they made some mistakes. Also, what if one guy lies about the other ( or twists the truth ) the other guy will goble up his time trying to vindicate himself.

Don't give up too much ground. You'll have none to Stand on...
What most people forget is that we are now living under a regime of "Campaign Finance Reform". All the rinky, dinky and very unfair laws that we now have in this regard are the result of Federal and State mandated campaign finance laws. They have not worked, they have made things even worse with each new round of laws.
First of all, the incumbents are only willing to pass laws that they think are in their favor. They are glad to pass laws that make it harder to challenge them and that make it easier for them to stay in their offices for life.
Secondly, you cannot live and even rejoice in a society that has gross variations in income and then expect that these inequalities will have no political effect. If you hate the politcal influence of the rich, then put them up against the wall like any good Bolshivik would do if he had the chance.
Thirdly, it being the case that our elected legislators love the rich only a little less than themselves, one can only expect that any further attempt at campaign finance reform in this county will only result in a dimunition of the abiltiy of the common people to make their influence felt in government. That has been the result of it so far.
I do like the old laws that force a canditate to tell us who has contributed to his campaing. If you want a law against foriegn contributions, fine. Thats about all that I am willing to condone.
I am glad that Bush seems to be uninspired by further schemes in this directions. I believe that his is actually the more progressive position, if you take by that term that which is in the better interest of the common man. He's like that on a lot of issues, you know. Anyone who still believes that the Democrats that we have today in any way look after the interests of the average citizen in any field of human endeavor has had his head stuck in the sand far too long. Most Republicans aren't any better.
Campaign Reform / Family Values / Tax Reform....... all buzzwords and smokescreen. Mostly it's about "how do I get re-elected!" Anybody else want to add to the list?