Camp Perry NRA Springfield M1A match????


New member
I am very interested in shooting in the NRA Springfield M1A match coming up 8-8-10.

I am very new to shooting any type of rifle competition and have a NIB Springfield M1A standard,I have 700 rounds of Lake City 168 fmj ammo.

Is my rifle adequate for a beginner in this competition.

What else am I going to "need" to attend this shoot and have a good time?

Anyone in the Pittsburgh,Pa area going that would offer a few pointers before going , possibly share a ride???
How well does the ammo shoot out of your rifle?
"...What else am I going to "need" to attend this shoot and have a good time?..." Ear and eye protection. Likely more than one mag, but eyes and ears is far more important. Take some kind of water container too. Ranges tend to be dry and dusty places. If you have grass related allergies, take your meds with you.
"...Is my rifle adequate..." Close enough. It's also what you have. Standard M1A's aren't target rifles, but it'll do if your ammo shoots well. What you'll see will be gussied up, at great expense, match rifles. In any case, there's a timing learning curve. 60 seconds for 10 rounds at 200 sounds like lots of time and it is, but you have to do it a few times to get used to the idea.
Read this.
However, just go and don't worry about placing. You'll have fun. Competitive shooting is just like that. The other shooters will fall all over themselves to help you. Including letting you shoot their rifles and suggesting improvements. Bedding and doing the trigger on a Standard is a relatively easy, inexpensive, thing. Putting on a match grade barrel, not so much.
I've found any kind of match shooting to be so much fun that I didn't care if I placed or not. The people are fabulous and they really will go out of their way to help a new shooter. Don't worry about the occasional rectal orifice either. They're everywhere.
Oh, and volunteer to help with anything that needs doing too. You'll meet more people and, despite appearances, volunteer help is appreciated. Even if it's just moving garbage. New guys that help tend to get more help than new guys that expect to be helped.
Yes your rifle is find, Go shoot the match, worse thing that could happen is you'll have fun and you'll learn something.
I am going to shoot and have fun.I have seen information and thought "I'd like to do that some day" Well as I get older I realize LIFE IS TOO SHORT.Some day is NOW and I'm going.I don't care if I place or not I'm gonna have fun.

I do realize there are things I need to know before going.There are people who take this VERY serious and I don't want to annoy them by being unprepared and wasting thier time.

I am looking for someone in the Pittsburgh, Pa area to shoot with and prepare for the competition.If anyone would be interested in getting together please contact me.
Thanks Ron
There are people who take this VERY serious and I don't want to annoy them by being unprepared and wasting thier time.

I've been to hundreds, if not thousands of matches, pistol, rifle, shootgun, and just this last weekend I fired my first BP Creedmoor match.

In all my shooting I recall a vast majority of experience shooters take the oppisite approach to new shooters. They always jump right in to make you feel welcome, and to coach you along.

Forget about annoying other shooters, it isnt gonna happen.

In most, if not all shooting sports the main goal is to get more people involved in their sport, you don't get that by gettin annoyed at new shooters.

Again, shoot and have fun. You'll get hooked, and it wont be long before you will be the one helping new shooters get started.
In all my shooting I recall a vast majority of experience shooters take the oppisite approach to new shooters. They always jump right in to make you feel welcome, and to coach you along.

As a pretty new highpower shooter I can attest to this. If you don't have all the stuff you need people will loan you equipment. The experienced shooters love to help new shooters.

Experienced shooters understand that they were new once too and that without new shooters the sport will die.

If you show up with a rifle and ammunition you can shoot and no one will gie you any grief.
No one will be unhappy you are there!!!!! You will find there one heck of a lot like thinkers there. Plus Perry is the safest place in the world.....even the kids have guns.
Word of advice about Camp Perry...

Take along extra cash, if you can.

Commercial Row and the CMP Store is paradise for the shooter. You'll see boatloads of stuff you just can't live without--and some bargains that you won't want to pass up.

Example: 2001, National Pistol Championships. Federal Gold Medal Match, .45 ACP. Retail, about $40-45 a box, if you can find it.

CMP price? $15.00 a box!!!

Good luck! Oh, and if you want advice about your Springfield M1A, just ask them--they usually have a building full of goodies--and some of the most courteous sales reps and gunsmiths in the world there.