Camillus CUDA knives

I dont own a "CUDA" but have heard alot of good things about them.
These knives are always featured in Knife World and Combat Fighting Knives Mags. Checkout your local bookstore for these Mags. or maybe you can find them on the NET.
Blade Forums has a lot of good postings about this knife. Do a search there. It is supposed to be one of the best big folders around.
Make sure the blade length does not exceed Cali legal.
Is this really for handguns?
I own one

The knife is phenomenal. It is as strong a knife as I have ever seen, the lock is massive, the materials are top quality (the blade steel is my favorite), and it rides fairly low, considering. Some of the more “mundane” yet impressive features on it are the clip, which I have discovered is the best I have owned (for some reason I beat the crap out of the clips on my knives), the “fit and finish” which is top notch, the looks, which I think are nifty (I like the blue, but some people don’t), and how well it conceals. Despite its slim profile it still manages to fit well in your hand, and even after some hard use I haven’t found the grip to be painful. I have had it for a while now, and I have to say that at first I thought I would just carry it for a couple of weeks and then go back to my regular rotation, but after quite some time I find that I have no desire to stop carrying it. It is big enough that I don’t carry it without also bringing along a more “people friendly” knife for those everyday uses (all that letter opening, string cutting, and such). Opened, this knife is almost the same size as my Ka-Bar, yet I carry it in my pocket and nobody knows. A knife will never out perform my .45, but unless you step up to a full size Bowie type of knife (you know, 10 inches or more of blade) this Cuda Maxx will serve you just as well as a typical fixed blade. For my money, I would rather have this than a fixed blade (unless we are talking about a Randall #12). To each his own, but I am more than confident in the lock under the most abusive conditions and as I said above, I love D2 steel for a blade. I hate to sound this “gushing” about a product, but to be honest this is the only production knife I have ever owned that I honestly can’t find a fault with. Don’t tell the people on bladeforums this, but I would rather have a Cuda Maxx than a Sebenza any day. Not to mention the fact that I can get two or three or even more for the price of one Sebbie. If I were you I would see if I could handle one first, as I know of a few people that got one and then decided it just didn’t grab ‘em. Nothing wrong with it, it just didn’t appeal as much as they thought it would.