Calls for maximum wage


New member
The local paper has been printing letter from Dems all over the country, advocating various policies that, in their opinion, will better the American worker's life.

The writer of this letter wants Congress to pass a law that creates a MAXIMUM wage for individuals, and a maximum allowable profit for corporations. Any funds over those amount are to be used (confiscated, taxed, whatever) by the government to pay for free universal health care, free education, and eliminate the deficit.

This rocket surgeon misses a few angles here:

If I were the decider for a major corporation, I would simply create subsidiaries, and spread the profits among them. For example, instead of Microsoft, Inc., There would be a Microsoft California, Inc., a Microsoft New York, Inc., a Microsoft Maryland, Inc., etc.

If that failed, I would just shut down all operations for the year as soon as I hit my maximum profit for the year.

President of Toyota: "Sorry, guys. As of July 14, we have hit our maximum profit for the year. Effective immediately, all operations are closed. See you all back here on January 1."

This is an obvious agenda driven angle, seeing as how the writer is from California, and the paper is a small county newspaper in Central Florida. What I can't believe is that people are this friggin stupid, to believe this communist drivel.
Actually, you would see a massive exodus of companies heading out of our borders entirely. The only thing left would be retail outlets, if even that. Anybody who did start a company, if they would prove successful at all, would also move, since they would be guaranteed an upper limit on what they would achieve.

I can't think of anything less American or more likely to cause an economic meltdown than that idea.
where is the democratic connection

I agree the letter is rather ridiculous to propose maximum wages. However you OP implies this position is a posting by a Democrat. Exactly how do you know that little fact? Perhaps you do not know there actually is a political party know as the Aggressive Party. While there seems to be no national standard for what the AP is it is obvious the AP is not the Democratic Party.

A prime example is in Kansas where the Aggressive Party refers to the Kansas Populist.
This paper and the letters that are posted there are almost like an official position paper of the Democratic party. You are correct that an assumption was made on my part, based on the track record of the paper.

ETA: Actually, after reviewing my post, I never said the person who wrote the letter was a Dem. I said the paper was printing letters from Dems all over the country.
highly suggestive at a minimum

Divemedic lets just say the opening statement in your post is an attempt to indicate the letter was written by a Democrat rather than by an advocate for another party.
I would not work to give more money to the gooberment!
Most I think would do less or charge more for their services.
Would you work for more money just to give it away?
How about a limit on the power of the Federal government? Oh, it is called the Constitution. The politicians routinely try to ignore it.
The letter was written by a California S.F. Bay Area resident. That tells me all I need to know.

There's a growing group of Dems who are dissatisfied with their own politicians not being "aggressive enough" to do what they want. Of course things like a maximum wage, high taxes on evil corporation and mandatory health care that dictates what and how much you can eat is part of their "utopia". :barf: Nikta was right... they'll try to destroy us from within using useful idiots like these people.
using your approach

BillCA you have to be a liberal Democrat. You live in CA that is enough for me to base my conclusion on. ;)
Good point, Toybox. Bill is certainly painting with a wide brush.
BillCA said:
The letter was written by a California S.F. Bay Area resident. That tells me all I need to know.
One of our staff members here on TFL is a resident of the S.F. Bay area and I think he'd take exception to that statement.
I don't care where he's from or what party he is affiliated with John Bauer is an idiot.:barf: Those surpluses he speaks of are called profit.
Toybox said:
BillCA you have to be a liberal Democrat. You live in CA that is enough for me to base my conclusion on.

Bwhahahahahaha! Thanks, I needed that. :D ;)

TheBluesMan said:
Good point, Toybox. Bill is certainly painting with a wide brush.

Indeed. I was sure that would stir up some comments about stereotyping and/or California. ;)

wuluf said:
Aww, Bill's one in a million..literally in this case..

*Sniff* At least someone recognizes it! :cool:

In all seriousness, almost every time I see some bizzare proposal like that, it tracks down to the SF area, LA-LA land, Chicago, the northern East Coast or some far left activist group. So it didn't surprise me to see Mr. Bauer was from a suburb around S.F. This is exactly the kind of whack job who likes to vote for people like Pelosi, Boxer and Feinstein.

There is a guy who regularly calls in to conservative radio shows in the SF area who bills himself as a "Marxist". In reality, he's a nutjob... but he proposed this a couple of years ago by claiming there was no reason for anyone in the USA to ever be paid more than $150,000 per year. No one. He also claimed that any company earning more than a half-billion in profit should turn half of that money over to fund programs for the "disenfranchised people". :barf: