Calling Mike Irwin...:)

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Kentucky Rifle

New member
Just curiosity Mike.
Being the dog lover I am (Nancy too), I was curious as to why your new Border Collie pup was found "laying on a Ruger Blackhawk"? That doesn't seem very comfortable!
Good choice for a dog, by the way. Border Collie's are really smart dogs.

We'll, she's no longer a pup. She's slipping gracefully (or thereabouts) into middle age. She's going on 6.


Back in late December 1996 I did a ride along with a fiend of mine who is a US Park Police officer.

Around 3 in the morning, one of his officers (he was shift sgt.) pulled over a couple with a gun.

When we got there, I was the only civilian there, and I was asked to hold onto a puppy (probably 6-8 months old at that time) that was in the back of the car.

When I walked over and looked in the back seat, this Border Collie puppy was there, staring up at me, with the muzzle of the revolver poking out from between her paws.

I took her and held onto her for about 45 minutes until DC Animal Control came for her. In those 45 minutes, I fell totally in love with her, and had my friend drive me over to DC Animal Control in the middle of the night in a police cruiser so I could put in adoption papers on her in the chance that the owner didn't come back for her.

DC Animal Control kept giving the brain-dead owner chance after chance to pick "Monique" (that was her name at that time) up. Finally, she came in, found out she would have to pay $95 for the mandatory spaying fee, and refused.

I went and picked Ruger on January 11, 1997.

I've attached a picture of the only Ruger I own, although it's questionable as to who owns whom.


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What a wonderful story! How could you not fall in love with those beautiful eyes? You just went up several "notches" in my book there fella. I'll show Nancy the picture and story in about an hour. In the meantime--WAY TO GO!!! (You old softie. :) )

Kentucky Rifle
I look at it this way, KR.

Ruger and I adopted each other at a time when we really needed each other. And I really feel that I didn't have a choice in the matter. The way events unfolded, we were meant to be where we were when we were.

I had been thinking about getting a pet, but nothing serious to that point, I was still hurting badly from a recent marital break up.

I wasn't supposed to go on the ride along that evening, but at the last minute something changed.

My friend almost skipped the call, as at first it didn't sound like there was a gun in the car. That was reported a few minutes later.

Another few minutes, and someone else would have been tending to the dog, and I likely wouldn't have spent any time with her.

Those are only a few of the coincidences about that evening.

Any one thing changes, and I likely never meet a great friend.

After all that, I had no choice but to put in the adoption papers on her. I'm not going to risk angering fate by breaking that kind of coincidence chain.

Some things are meant to be, my friend.
And it looks like your situation was meant to be. Good situation/Good timing. I'm glad that you shared the story with the dog lovers on the board. Thanks.

I feel... a real Grinch for this, but it is regrettably OT. :(

(I did, however, hold off until the bit about the pup lying atop a revolver got explained. I'm as curious as the next kid. ;) )
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