Calling all fellow Texans!!!


If you are a Texan and believe it is your right to choose how you want to carry a gun or not, please sign the below petition. Even if you don't own a gun, you should still have to right to have the choice or not. This is one of the strongest movements in the history of Texas against anti-gun legislation. We have a REAL shot at having somethings changed here in Texas to insure this great state is a safer place for both us and our future children. I truly believe in my heart that these laws being changed will help to deter many would be criminals!


Representative Riddle (R – Houston) will soon introduce historic legislation to restore the right to open carry handguns in Texas. But that does not mean the fight is over – it’s just beginning. That’s why we need to drive up the signature count on the petition for Texas at

And all Americans can help just like in 1836 when volunteers came from many states to help Texas fight and ultimately defeat an invading Mexican Army.

So if you known anyone who lives, works, or goes to school in Texas, now is the time to contact them and urge them to sign the open carry petition for Texas at

The petition is now at over 54,000 signatures but we need to drive that signature count well North of 55,000 in the coming days to send a clear signal to Austin that open carry needs to be passed this year.

And if you blog in Texas, or can spare a few moments to add this message and/or the petition link to Texas blogs, please do so immediately. And remind folks to use valid email addresses so that they can receive vital updates on legislative matters from the Texas Open Carry Working Group which is going to be a permanent and effective pro-gun force in Texas to be reckoned with this year and in the future!

Please act on this message today.


Mike Stollenwerk/John Pierce

Ian McCarthy
Chairman, Texas Open Carry Working Group
Can't do it.

I disagree with points 4 and 5 in the petition. And even California does allow open carry under certain circumstances. As does Texas.
I read it - it does make some technical mistakes and thus if I were playing Devil's advocate at a hearing, the petitioners would be in trouble.

I'll not do that analysis here but I would remind folks of the innoculation effect. If you have a good position and make a weak argument - then even good arguments later are discounted.
I signed it long ago when it first started up. :)

- it does make some technical mistakes

Yes, the wording is twisted and misleading but I figure the other side does it all the time so we might as well too.