Call your Rep NOW! - TOLL FREE


New member
Call your representative NOW! Tell them to oppose HR 902 -- AND HR 2037 (The "Child safety & youth violence prevention act of 1999).
The toll-free number for the U.S. Capitol Switchboard is 888-449-3511
(or the regular number is: 202-224-3121)

Ask for your representative’s office. Tell them to oppose this bill, and any other anti-second ammentment legislation.

For further details on this legislation, go to:
Enter HR902 in the “search by bill number.”

For the text of HR 2037 goto:

[This message has been edited by AR BLACK (edited June 09, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by AR BLACK (edited June 09, 1999).]
This toll free line sure worked for me.

I got a hold of my Congresswoman's (very liberal)office and was at least able to let them know that the Lautenberg legislation was not in the best interest of the country and it's citizens.

Lautenberg invades the privacy of all honest citizens, authorizes a new unlimited federal tax, and if you own more than 50 firearms and "offer" or "exchange" only one of them for sale - even between family or friends - unless you are first registered with the BATF and pay a fee, it will be a 5 year felony! And this is only one of the many dangers we face with this legislation.
Call them today and say "NO TO LAUTENBERG!!!

"America is at that awkward stage.
It's too late to work within the system,
but too early to start shooting the bastards."
--Claire Wolfe
I told my Rep Rep's rep (Republican Representative's representative) that HR902 was an invasion of my privacy, an abomination and unconstitutional in its intent, and insulting in the extreme. I spoke very quietly (used that there "college talk" they learned me) and requested Mr. Smith vote against HR902.

We spoke for several minutes. During the conversation, I asked,
Den: "If I bought tomato seeds through the mail, that would be interstate commerce, would Congress regulate who ate the tomatoes I grew in my garden?"
She: (giggle) "No, that would be ridiculous."
Den: One of the concepts of HR902 is based on interstate commerce of raw materials that could, possibly, be made into guns. It's a bad bill."

When she thanked me, and prepared to disconnect, I interrupted with, "Excuse me. Please do not misunderstand me. I have been polite and courteous to you, but I am angry, I am very angry, at the trend of Federal intrusion into my affairs. Tell Lamar to get these buggers off our backs, ok?" She seemed to reflect increased attention before we parted ways.

AR Black,
Thanks a lot for the tool-free number and the reference to HR 902, the bill I read most of, the bill that ticked me off, the bill that moved me to call.
Thanks again.

In addition to calling your representative, I recommend that you call, e-mail or write the House Republican leadership.

I just sent the following e-mail to Denny Hastert, the House Speaker:

To: Denny Hastert, Speaker of the House

Subject: H902, No More Gun Control

Honorable Hastert,

I strongly urge you to make every effort to see that HR902, the Lautenberg Amendment, is NOT passed in the House of Representatives. This is bad law and, worse, it is a bad gun control law.

I need you to make the case to the House of Representatives and to the Clinton Administration that enforcement of current gun control laws are more effective than more gun control. For example, Project Exile has been far more effective at reducing violent crime in Richmond, VA, than any gun control law.

Please make every effort to ensure that HR902 does NOT pass.

Thank you,

Mr. Hastert's e-mail address is:

Let's get to work!!!



[This message has been edited by Albin (edited June 08, 1999).]
I wrote to Hastert a couple of weeks ago, asking him how it feels to betray 80 million former allies.

No reply. Not even a bot-acknowledge.

"America is at that awkward stage.
It's too late to work within the system,
but too early to start shooting the bastards."
--Claire Wolfe


I notice you quote Claire Wolfe, who wrote "101 things to do before we shoot the b!@#$%!".

Assuming you've read it, what are your comments and do you recommend it?



I haven't read it. The local bookstores don't stock it, and I can't order online due to my refusal to use plastic. And the looks of horror on the shop clerks' faces when I tell them to get it for me lead me to believe that pushing the issue would be a Bad Idea.

Now, if I put on my old BDUs and slung my shotgun over my shoulder before going into the store...

Anyway. I want it, as well as the sequel (101 More Things To Do Until The Revolution). They'll look nice up on the shelf next to "Why Government Doesn't Work" by Harry Browne, "Unintended Consequences," and "The Tyranny of Gun Control" by Jacob Hornberger.

(and as if this isn't enough to paint me in the meedja as a Radical! Militia! Member!, one of my CDs is by Corrosion of Conformity and features the playful ditty "Vote With A Bullet.")

"America is at that awkward stage.
It's too late to work within the system,
but too early to start shooting the bastards."
--Claire Wolfe

[This message has been edited by Coinneach (edited June 08, 1999).]