Call to stop selling arms in Africa

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Seems to me if those Rwandan refugees had guns, they wouldn't have been butchered

BBC Online
2 January 2000

"Call to stop African arms trade"

Trade in light weapons is prolonging many wars
The head of the International Monetary Fund has appealed to industrialised
countries to stop selling arms to Africa.

In one of his final public statements as head of the IMF before he steps down
next month, Michel Camdessus said war in Africa could be significantly
reduced if countries dealing in arms made a determined effort to prevent
over-militarisation of the continent.

Speaking on French radio, he also urged Western nations to help combat
African poverty by financing development, opening their markets to African
products and reducing the continent's debts.

Diamond sales funded the RUF in Sierra Leone
"The problem of all the ethnic and tribal wars must be either resolved or at
least largely reduced through a big effort by the countries that deal in arms
to prevent the over-militarisation of Africa," Mr Camdessus said.

"The most serious problem ... is poverty. The world cannot afford to abandon
this continent."

"We must step up our efforts in this direction, mobilise industrialised
countries to finance development in Africa, to open their markets to African
products and to reduce Africa's debt," he added.

Small arms

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute reported this year that
Africa had more major armed conflicts - 11 in 1998 - than any other

And it singled out large-scale trafficking in light weapons as a major factor
in prolonging many of the wars.

At a United Nations Security Council meeting in September, UN
Secretary-General Kofi Annan called on the international community to stem
the proliferation of small arms across the world.

The council was told that $5m would buy approximately 20,000 assault rifles -
enough to equip the army of a medium-sized state.

A brochure produced for the meeting said an AK-47 assault rifle could be
bought in Uganda for the price of a chicken, in Kenya for the price of a goat
and in Mozambique and Angola for the price of a sack of corn.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
One (of many) of the flaws in the plans of the one-world-government proponents is their obsession with ending armed conflict. Their simplistic solution is to remove the instruments of war, namely guns. Without which, they reason, many of these little wars would probably run out of steam.
They tried this, with disastrous results, in Bosnia. What they often ignore is that there may be a more compelling reason for that conflict to continue other than the availability of firearms.
If one group of people suffer oppression at the hands of another, then armed conflict is a natural result if a peaceful solution cannot be found.
By keeping arms out of the hands of the oppressed, the NWO is simply sentencing those people to further victimization.
Peace has a cheap price tag as long as you're not on the wrong side of cash register.

I guess flies cause garbage too...


GOA, TSRA, LEAA, NRA, SAF and I vote!
I guess the Africans wouldn't go back to spears and such if we stopped selling the firearms. Seems to me that whenever firearms are restricted everyone becomes peaceful, loving neighbors, and they all work to get along. Just look at Washington D.C., and NAZI Germany! I think that maybe we should seriously consider ceasing the sale of small arms to Africa. Let's sell 'em Field Artillery Pieces, and Crew Served weapons instead.
If my memory serves me, this reminds me of a photo I saw in National Geographic. It was of an African herder, with this assualt rifle, given to him for protection against raiders/terrorists. Someone was quoted as saying something to the effect of "Without the rifles we would be helpless." (Bad paraphrase).
I spent quite a bit of time in Africa and a couple of things come to mind when I read this:

Idi Amin proudly proclaiming a Gun Control Law to make "All Ugandan peoples safe!"

Zulu tribesmen butchering enemies in a football stadium. If I remember right, the enemies had AK47's and the Zulus had shortened assegais (stabbing spears).

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Not that a machette could hurt anyone a la Rwanda. :(

Some conflicts are never-ending & will be fought with whatever weapons are at hand.

As with our own culture, if we majically removed all firearms, the predators would still prey on the weak with their bare hands and pure disparity of force.
I don't know about Africa but if they could keep small arms out of the hands of the ATF and the FBI-HRT I would feel a lot safer. :)

They're trading a goat, a chicken or a sack of corn for an AK47? I knew I should have been a farmer.

There is an UN sponsored NGO pushing much of this:

One of their policies is the control of guns owned by civilians to stop arms transfers to conflict areas.

"Quemadmoeum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est."
("A sword is never a killer, it's a tool in the killer's hands.") -
Lucius Annaeus Seneca "the Younger" (ca. 4 BC-65 AD).
Instead of taking refugees - they should give them a few guns and tell them to go take there homes back.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud