Call it "doom and gloom" but it is real.

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New member
You may call it "doom and Gloom" for me to be so concerned about our libety now that we have a President who is only concerned with his legacy and a liberal run House and Semate.
But, mark my words. This angst or anxiety is real and all your worst fears are about to come true with this new leadership.


Sorry to have to be the one to rain on your parade or cause you grief and anxiety. But, now is the time to begin to stockpile any sort of supplies you may feel necessary. It will not be long before we (patriots) are called into action to "protect our country from it's Government". A quote that is sad but proves true throughout the ages.

The threat is real and evident. Begin now. (sigh) I was hoping to avoid a fight like this in my lifetime but, it has been a long time coming.
It will not be long before we (patriots) are called into action to "protect our country from it's Government".

Dont count on me...and I bet you cant count on a lot of others here either.

And I defy you to tell us we are not "patriots", unless you are using that word to denote the looney that case, I aint one.

The sky is falling, the sky is falling! The Dems will have two years to make a mess of the country and then it will be back to the polls. I don't expect the republican party to regain full control, but I would be willing to bet that there will be more equality in the house.

Furthermore, we are protected by a relatively conservative Supreme Court.
Are you guys off your meds or something? You guys worry too much! Anyone that tries to take our guns away will be commiting career suicide!
My worst fears already came true with the pre-Nov 7 leadership, what with illegal warrantless wiretapping, holding anyone, even American citizens, without the possibility of bail, a trial, or a lawyer, indefinitely, and all the other abuses and Hitler-esque power grabs.

ANY change is better than what we had been getting, even if it means our gun rights are attacked somewhat. We'll still win out on the gun issues in the near term, however. The Dems are still stinging from the anti-gun-stance-induced defeats of 00, 02, and 04.
My worst fears already came true with the pre-Nov 7 leadership, what with illegal warrant-less wiretapping, holding anyone, even American citizens, without the possibility of bail, a trial, or a lawyer, indefinitely, and all the other abuses and Hitler-esque power grabs.

"Hitler-esque." LOL. Judges routinely hold people without bail for any number of offenses, possibility of bail or no.

If you want see where American citizens are actually losing rights, look into the drug war, DUI laws, etc. Most states now force citizens to provide evidence against themselves roadside, despite clear constitutional restrictions. This is real, and actually happening to regular folks.

ANY change is better than what we had been getting, even if it means our gun rights are attacked somewhat.

Dude, I love your spirit, and respect your position, but I think you are wrong.
I agree that at least the Dems will get rid of the patriot act. What in the world were the Republicans thinking by instituting that Nazi-like (facist) peice of legislation?

Unbelievable that power corrupts so many.

Wild Alaska, I know we can count on you to do your part to fight the liberty hating liberals.

Don't take my comments out of context. I am preparing us all for the fight of our lives. It really is about as bad as it can get. A left-wing liberal from San Franfreeko is 3rd from th presidency come January. How much worse could it get?
I guess Frankenstein could be the leader in the Senate?

This is going to get real bad REAL SOON......Mark my words.
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Though I agree with your assessment of the Patriot Act, recently observed thread closures tell me you probably shouldn't use the N**i word;)
The dems have promised to turn the US into a socialist state like Europe as soon as they got the power to do so for 70 years even after the fall of their beloved USSR. They will give it everything they have this time and to insure that they are never "voted" out of office again. Don't like the R's? You have not seen anything yet, Polic correctness as law of the land, "fairness doctrine", enforced "balance" of ideas etc etc. Just look at the list of things that lunatic the Dear Leader of the house to be has planned and look at her speeches of the past. "If I had the votes to force everyone to turn them in (guns) I would have" and now they do. You lefties have got it all now, your BDS has put the enemies of all free people in power again, enjoy as you go with us to the camps if you don't worship the lunatic fringe now in charge of the late great US. The only lite on the horizen is that they will do what they normally do and over reach leading to defeat in 08 or the latent civil war they have been planing for us all along.
I know you all can't see it, but everytime I log into L&P since Tuesday I just sit here and shake my head.

Relax people. It's gonna be ok. Maybe not great, but ok. Step away from the tinfoil.:D
"The threat is real and evident. Begin now. (sigh) I was hoping to avoid a fight like this in my lifetime but, it has been a long time coming."

You must not be very old.
Thank you for declaring your line in the sand on an Echelon Monitored Public Forum. Let me know if I can send you some extra ammunition; you'll probably require it within hours. Check the skyline often, especially at night. They usually come in from the east, fast and quiet.

I suggest camo face paint and maybe one of those zoomie black headbands like Sly Stallone wore in Rambo, Part Whatever. Members of the Patriot Net in your Sector will use the password "japaneserockgarden"; disclose it to no one except those with the proper decoder ring.

It's comforting to know that whenever we're in need of canon fodder, err, "patriots" we needn't look further than L&P. :D
It will not be long before we (patriots) are called into action to "protect our country from it's Government".

You mean you weren't? Did you miss the memo?

I mean, I know I was. I patriotically defended my country from its Government by voting Democratic, nearly across the board.

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