Call Henry Hyde


New member
Clinton seeks help of impeachment foe on gun laws

By Randall Mikkelsen
Clinton is "reaching out" to republican Henry Hyde for help with his anti gun proposals. Pass the word around lets get some phone calls going to Hyde.


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Clinton Thursday sought to enlist one of
his most bitter congressional impeachment adversaries in a drive to pass
new gun control legislation in the wake of the Littleton, Colorado, school

The president wrote to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde, an
Illinois Republican, offering to work together to pass the proposals he
made Tuesday, which must go through Hyde's committee.

``In the coming days I will transmit this legislation and I look forward
to working with you to move it through Congress in a bipartisan manner,''
Clinton said in the letter.

Hyde, as Judiciary Committee chairman, presided over the panel's
impeachment investigation of Clinton and led the House prosecution team in
the president's Senate trial, which ended in acquittal.

White House spokesman Joe Lockhart said the letter was sent in the hope
Hyde would take up the gun issue when his committee meets Thursday to deal
with juvenile justice measures.

Clinton and Hyde have not spoken to each other since the impeachment
trial, Lockhart said. But he said no fence-mending was needed to press
ahead with the gun control legislation.

``This is an important issue and I think it will be taken seriously and
dealt with on the merits by both parties,'' Lockhart said.

A key aim of Clinton's gun-control proposals is keeping weapons out of the
hands of juveniles. The White House has expressed hope that shock over the
15 deaths last week at Columbine High School in Littleton will help fuel
support for the bill.

Hyde's judiciary committee spokesman did not immediately return calls
seeking comment.

Hyde emerged from the impeachment ordeal clearly embittered by the
partisan bickering and personal vitriol that surrounded it.

``I used to enjoy getting up and going to work every day. ... I don't
enjoy it any more,'' Hyde said shortly before the Senate voted in February
to acquit Clinton on perjury and obstruction of justice charges stemming
from the president's affair with Monica Lewinsky.
Yeah, and if Hyde doesn't come on board the Clinton camp will smear and slur him into the ground.

I can't say what I feel...grrrrrrrrr

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"