Call for help...What do you do?


This happened recently to me...

My mom's neighbor called me...I live five minutes away from my mom's house. It's about 10 at night, I ask my mom's neighbor to just call the police. She's a little worry person, but she doesn't want to bother them...she tells me that my mom's extra room's light is on a timer and it hasn't come on. There is no other light on in the house. She says that she has already tried to call my mom with no response. She wants me to check it out.

I call mom's place...line is busy(mom has been having trouble with some medications, could be bad). Check with one on mom's phone..I call police (local sheriff)'s a busy night for the cops...ETA one hour forty five minutes, I give dispatch my description and the fact that I am armed and will be on scene.
I throw shotgun in trunk, put on GM .45, and pull up two houses away with no headlights on. Go over to neighbors, tell them I am there and ask them to watch for cops to warn them ahead of time. Meanwhile i am evaluating house...garage door is closed, side gate to behind attached garage is opened(not good), front door area is darkened but has motion detector lights on in the house.(mom usually has family room light on.) House is L shaped...garage is bottom of L, living room and bedrooms are in the vertical part of L. I go to other side of house and sneak and peek down small walkway (area unlit) that leads to mom's bedroom area (no lights on)...window opened. Go around to back of house and knock on sliding glass door to family/living room. I'm hunkered down at base of solid concrete steps. No response. I call response.
Return to neighbor's, call local cops and ETA is still an hour out. Welllll, I'm loaded and ready for might need help.
Took a deep breath...had the neighbor shine my maglight through windows from behind cover (decoy), then I sneaked up to front door without tripping the motion detector lights, unlock it and use room clearing techniques as I'm trying not to wet my pants.
No one in the house.
I call my brother's house...she went over there because she wanted to visit his kids. She did not call me to inform me of that nor did she inform her neighborhood watch buddy (the neighbor)
I called up the police and cancelled the call.
Went home wishing that I could go find an all night range that i could vent my frustration and couped up anxiety on.